"Anything else?" I ask casually.

His brow furrows for a moment as he thinks, then a playful smile spreads across his face. "She has suspicions that you are still in contact with him."

"Sounds like I need to be more discrete," I say, smiling faintly.

"Why don't you want her to know?"

"I do want her to know. I love Jasper very much, and he will be a part of my life for as long as I'm alive. But it would crush Bella. I won't do that to her."

Adrian gets the hint that this particular conversation is over.

We keep walking for around ten minutes, and then we reach the shore.

Huge waves crash into the rocks, and send sprays for a good fifteen feet. Very few birds fly near it, deciding that nesting in the trees would be a better option.

The sea air is cold and crisp. I can taste the salt in it. But standing here is refreshing. It almost feels like I haven't had fresh air in months.

"It's nice here, right?" Adrian asks.

I nod my head in agreement. While the sky is still grey, and it is still raining, this area is remarkably peaceful.

Rolling waves and distant bird cries are the only thing I can hear. No cars, no yelling. Everything is natural.

"Do you want to see something really cool?" Adrian asks with a sudden wide grin.

His enthusiasm is contagious, so I can't help but grin back, and follow as he bounds across the rocks.

My feet land evenly, and I only slip once. Adrian is fast and agile, with quick reflexes that stop him from catching his foot even once.

When we reach the edge of the rocks, Adrian halts us and I notice the electric light in his eye.

"Isn't this place awesome?" He exclaims, looking out over the sea.

We're standing on the very edge of the water as it broils underneath us. Spray has already soaked my air and hit my face.

I can barely hear my own thoughts over the roar of the waves. It's a nice change.

Standing on the edge of something so big, so uncontrollable, brings a surge of adrenaline when you realise how close to death you are.

One wrong move...that's it. For the first time in a long time, my life is in my own hands.

"Can you swim?" Adrian asks.


"Damn...this area is really good for cliff diving."

"Cliff diving?" I raise an eyebrow at him as another wave sprays us.

"Yeah," he says, the gleam strengthening. "It's a great rush. I do it with the others a lot, but higher up. Sadly, if you can't swim it really isn't a good idea."

"Sounds like fun..."


Hours later, after much running, laughing and pushing, Adrian and I meet up with Sam Uley.

He has a couple others with him. They are introduced as Paul and Jared.

We have a lot of fun, and they seem to like me. However, I catch Billy Black speaking with Sam, then glancing to me.

My eyes narrow, and Billy goes back into the house as Sam comes over. Without pausing, I scoff, knowing what's coming.

"Jordan, can I speak to you please?" Sam asks.

"Sure." I walk towards the treeline and wait for him to start.

Sam frowns a little, coming across as nervous. "I am very close with Billy Black, and he has asked me to speak with you."

"There's a surprise," I say, rolling my eyes. "Look, he's already spoken to me. You don't have to bother."

"I think I do." He picks at the hem of his shirt. "Is it true you're still in contact with the Cullens?"

I cross my arms and clench my teeth. "I don't see how that's your business."

Sam looks at me, and I try to desipher what is playing across his eyes. It seems to me like a mix between stress and pleading.

"That gives me my answer anyway," he says quietly.

My eyes narrow, and slowly unclench my teeth. "Why does it matter to you?"

"They are dangerous," he says, not unkindly. "You need to be careful around them."

Flames erupt in my eyes, and Sam steps back as I let my arms lie stiff at my side; fists clenched.

"You listen to me, Sam Uley. What I do in my life is my choice, and does not concern anyone but me. So you lot can back off," I say, spitting the last sentence out.

"I understand that, Jordan. But Billy is worried about you, and I trust his judgement," he says.

"Trust my judgement, Sam. Billy doesn't know me, or anything besides the fact that I know the Cullens."

Sam nods. "I understand. But...Jordan, if you are ever in trouble, we're here."

My lips pull up in a small smile. "Thank you, Sam. I will remember that. But for now." I look over at the boys. "I think we need to be worried about them taking their fingers off."

We laugh and walk back as the boys start to wrestle in the grass. I help Sam rip them apart by wrapping a hand around Adrian's neck and pulling him back.

I find myself grinning, laughing, and having more fun than I have in months.

Towards the end of the day, we're walking back to where I parked my car, and I have one arm slung over Adrian's shoulder as I converse with the others.

My eyes catch movement by the garage, and I see Bella and Jacob watching us.

The frown on her face is deep, and I note the worry in it. But Jacob seems almost angry, or afraid.

Either way, they're reactions make me frown, until Jared pushes me and we start playfighting again.

It's nice to feel carefree. After all, I'm only eighteen.

Sparks [Completed] Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt