the quiet one

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'People who don't follow the rules are trash, but people who don't take care of their friends are worse than trash.'

I RESTLESSLY GAZED UP AT THE CEILING FROM MY BED internally cursing the boys and Nya.
When they found out I was going after the third mask, they forced me to stay in my room. Kai told me to rest, and Jay forced me to stay in bed ("You can do whatever you want once that arm is healed." said Jay.). 

Zane, on the other hand, said it was 'illogical to seek something that we know very little of without assistance' and that 'finding something without clues will prove a very difficult task'. Nya told me 'you're being reckless', and Cole said, 'stop being so hard on yourself'. Lloyd simply gave me one of his motivational/pep talk speeches he used to give us when we were feeling down. As for Morro, he stayed silent like the bastard he is.

That left me with my own thoughts in our room. It felt so empty by myself, and even with the calming fairy lights and little glow-in-the-dark stars, I was uncomfortable. My eyes glazed over the various photos on the wall. It made me think back to better times, when things weren't so hard for me. Sure, I was a revenge-seeking kid who wanted nothing to stand in my way, but it was simple. I had one goal, one thing to put all my energy on, and no one to stop me.

With Zane undercover and Cole kidnapped by the S.O.G., our moral as a whole was down. We weren't feeling it, and even Jay didn't crack any jokes. Everyone was so quiet, and the Bounty, which was once filled with life and laughter, was a sad and quiet ship. Everyone was so serious, meaning no jokes. No off-task things. And definitely no time for fun and games. All we did was plan and figure out ways to find the last mask before the S.O.G. do.

The red flower in white is quiet.

"Mr. Hutchins chose the wrong person..." I whispered. The riddle was so cryptic and Wu-like. It could mean anything like the colour of someone's hat or a representation of one's personality. The possibilities were endless. 

"How is the arm Master of Aether?"

I sat up so fast I hit my head on the top bunk. "Harumi!" I exclaimed with wide eyes. "I-I didn't even sense you, haha. You were so quiet." She smiled sweetly and gestured to the far edge of my bed. "May I?" I scooted over. Ever since Harumi lost her parents, I couldn't help but feel sorry for her. She had to lose both her father and mother, twice. At least I only had to witness my father's death once. I looked her up and down fro the first time we met at the palace.

She wore a green sweater of sorts with a red and white flower patterned shirt under. Her hair was stark white, all held up by two wooden hair sticks, and her makeup was nearly perfect.

I caught her lost gaze on the photo board. She stood and picked up a photo. I studied her carefully as she longingly sighed. The photo was taken a month before the Overlord's return and Zane's disappearance. It was of Uncle Wu, Uncle Garmadon, Lloyd, and I. As painful as it was to look at the photo, I kept it as a memory of what was left of my family.

"Garmadon, your uncle..." Harumi trailed off as if trying to find the right words. " did you ever come to forgive him after he murdered your father?" I nearly flinched. I barely knew the Princess, and even though I felt sorry for her, I was weary of her presence. She was always too quiet. Too nosy. Too silently skilled to be just a simple girl.

Her question was so straightforward that I had trouble answering her. "He..." I forced the words out of my mouth. "...he did some terrible things to not just me, but many other people. Uncle made up for that. I learned to forgive. I never forgot what he did, but I chose forgiveness over hate."


I met her calculating eyes wearily. "Why are you asking me this?" I searched her face for answers, for any clues and motives, but found none. The Princess sighed and placed the photo back down. "I lost my parents to the Great Devourer." she slowly started. I averted my gaze immediately to my fidgety hands. Those times were hard. I had trouble with myself and the people around me; I didn't want to remember anything about how stupid I had been.

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