not on my to-do list

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"B-st-zap! Ba-st-zap!" 

I furrowed my brow. "Cole? Cole, I can't understand you. Your signal is bad." I said. He sighed on the other end before bursting out, "We've gotta get everyone out of here. The whole palace is rigged to explode! It was Hutchins!" 

I suspected Mr. Hutchins, but I wasn't expecting him to go this far. Kai placed his hands on my shoulders and hurriedly pushed me up the main palace stairs. "We have to get the Royal Family out of here!" he exclaimed. I tried not to panic, but the thought of the Royals blowing up wasn't exactly comforting. We climbed the stairs two at a time, and just as we were about a house away from the main entrance, a loud 'BOOM!' went off. Pieces of the palace walls ricocheted off buildings in a blast of flaming hot fire. 

Kai shielded me with his arm protectively as I shielded my eyes from the heat. We ran the other way, but another explosion went off on the street. We were thrown into the stairs, and if it weren't for Kai, I would have gotten some really bad bruises. He coughed as I got off him. "You okay?" he groaned out. I helped him up and brushed some soot off his shoulder. "Are you okay?" He shook his arms and legs as if to check for broken bones. "Yeah. I'm all good, kid."

"For the last time, I'm not a..."

The rev of motorcycles echoing from the street cut me short. Tires screeched against the pavement, and from the smoke, emerged the S.O.G. with evil grins and excited laughs. A purple motorcycle flew through the air and landed at the front of the group. I assumed her to be the leader. She looked the craziest out of all the bikers with her dilated eyes and toothy grin. "What a beautiful night for a little mayhem!" she exclaimed. Her voice reminded me of sandpaper; it was so scratchy and unpleasant to hear. 

She let out a cackle, and before I could even assess the situation, she ran her motorbike into my side. I let out a shout as I hit the stairs. Aching pain exploded in my sides worse than when Sensei smacked us with his staff. At least I knew how Kai felt. 

"Hey, pick on someone your own size!" Kai unsheathed his swords. He swung it around and did absolutely no damage. And guess what? That biker threw him into my stomach. I groaned and squeezed my eyes shut in pain. "Why...are you so heavy?"


I threw him off of me and unsheathed my own blade: a beautiful, lightweight but deadly katana that glowed like the moon itself. I forced the pain down and fell into a strong, well-practised stance. "Leave or suffer." I stated. The biker laughed and revved her bike again. "And why should I let you spoil the fun?" I gritted my teeth. No way would I be bested by some...some crazy biker

With a balanced swung, I managed a small slash on her arm. I swung again, but she dodged, refusing to deter. I growled, clearly irritated. "Stop. Playing!" I sheathed my sword and threw a punch. Even though I nailed her in the jaw, she let out another laugh and pain exploded in my left arm.  I let out a scream and knelt on the ground as spots appeared in my vision. "Don't waste my time, Ninja!" she shouted.

And just like that, her and her gang were wrecking havoc in the remnants of the flaming palace. I cursed under my breath. Bested by a damn biker. A biker. "K-Kai I'm," I weakly hissed, "going in." I heaved in a long breath and focused my energy. Kai spared me a worried glance. "(Y/n) stop. You're pushing yourself too hard. I'll take care of it--wait here." I was ready to black out, but by some miracle, I didn't. I knelt down to steady my swaying legs.

Getting a broken arm was not on my to-do list, and for the record, don't try this at home, kids. I steadied my breath, ignored the pain, and forced myself to focus. From my shoulders, a purple mist rolled off. It formed a circle around me until it was like a blanket. I closed my eyes tightly and swung my arm in a cool circular motion (like a Waterbender). I took a final deep breath and opened my eyes. There was a cold sensation in my body as the world faded to purple and black. It blurred until taking shape of the charred palace walls. 

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