fire in our eyes

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Started 31 August 2019

Father was one of those happy-go-lucky and 'always look on the bright side' type of guys, even if he was kind of old (but he didn't look it) and made really bad jokes that left the room in an awkward silence. He always had a smile on his face as if he were the most content person on the planet. Like, seriously, he could be cleaning a dirty toilet and still be smiling!

But today, I wasn't sure what was wrong with him. Every five minutes, he looked over his shoulder as if someone were burning holes in the back of his head. He also muttered things like, 'he's coming' or 'he better not show his sorry face here'; but not only that, he looked super angry, something you'd almost never see on his face.

"Father, is something wrong?"

He stuck his head out the front door of our cabin before slamming it shut and nearly stubbing his toe. "What? Oh, nothing is wrong. Just...stay inside." I watched as he bolted the door and paced in the living room. Something was wrong, definitely wrong. "If nothing is wrong, then why are you loading your rifle as well as pacing?" I questioned. Father abruptly ceased his pacing with a dismissive smile. "(Y/n)," his eyes turned serious, "if anything, and I mean anything happens, I want you to run as fast and as far away as you can from here. Go to the town over and ask for help, understand?" I furrowed my brows worriedly. "Is something bad going to happen?"

"It's...complicated (Y/n)." He paused with a drawn out sigh. "Be brave like a Gryffindor, and cunning like a Slytherin, but also wise--"

"Like a Ravenclaw and kind like a Hufflepuff. Yeah, you always say that before you go somewhere," I narrowed my gaze, "so where you going? Am I coming too?"

"Where I go you cannot follow."

Before I could retort, the ground trembled beneath my feet, sewing my trap shut. And even though we were inside, a gust of wind whipped past us. Somehow, the air felt...different. It sent shivers down my spine, almost like it were evil. Father's nose twitched, and he threw his rifle onto the couch. "Run." My eyes widened, both in fear of the unknown and worry for father. "I SAID RUN!" Father took me by the hand and burst through the back door.

The sky was gray with fumes of black rising over the horizon. Rain sliced at our skin as we ran like heck into the forest, and the sun was nowhere to be seen even though it was only twelve in the afternoon. Birds fled as black shrouded the land in night. And since it was so dreary, I half expected Darth Vader to make a dramatic entrance.

Father suddenly froze in his tracks. His eyes were as wide as saucers, and his hands nearly shook. A laugh so cruel, and so evil, rang throughout the woods. It was enough to make me want to pee pants. "Father? Father, let's go!" I gave his hand a strong tug, but he stayed rooted to his spot. "I should known..." he whispered. Then, from the inky black, a man who towered over us like a city skyscraper appeared. His skin was dark enough to match the soul of a Sith Lord, his eyes, as red as blood, and from his shoulders, some type of misty purple rolled off. "Should have known? Known what?" I exclaimed. "Father, come on. Let's go!"

"Father?" the man sneered. "Ah, I see. So this is little (Y/n). You're nine now, aren't you?" My heart slammed so hard against my chest that I feared it'd burst out of my ribs. Before I could answer, father held out an arm protectively in front of me. "Finally come to take me to the Realm of the Departed?" taunted father. Never in my whole life had I ever heard him speak like that. He wasn't one to pick on others, nor was he the one to tease. I was nearly speechless. So much was going on, and this new, Sith-Lord-looking-guy looked beyond suspicious, and not to mention evil. For the record, I also had no idea what the heck the 'Realm of the Departed' was anyway. Just thinking about it made my head spin.

"You sound far from happy, 'Lerius."

"Don't call me that." spat father. The man chuckled humourlessly. Before I could even process what was going on, there was an explosion so huge that I was knocked back at least one hundred feet. I let out a painful groan. Everything ached, and I felt like I broke something. I tried to sit up, but when I did, the world spun, and if I hadn't sat back down, I would have thrown up. Suddenly, everything went black.

I barely remembered what happened next. One moment I was awake, then asleep again, and then in that mystery man's arms. He looked solemn, grim even. I the fell back into darkness, and when I awoke, I laid at father's side in chocked sobs. I was screaming, not at the sky, but at that...that man. That damned mystery man.

" killed my father!"


Okay. Hold on. Wait just a minute. You're probably super-duper confused right now. What kind of author just starts, right off the bat, with killing one of their characters? Who even does that these days? I mean, everyone dies anyway, right? Right. So, I assume you all know of the ninja. You know, Jay, Kai, Lloyd, Cole, Zane, and Nya. But have you heard of (Y/n)? Probably not because she's not in the show (she was kicked out of it because of some jerk).
Crash course: she's the super cool, suave, and un-skilled ninja (sarcasm). She's second to youngest on the team, and is also the most underrated, so you better stan her. She also helped defeat many enemies of Ninjago, but that's another tale for another time.

Now, it's fast-forward time.

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