Jonas's Snapback

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So, ok, he had kissed Sonja right in front of him, he was well aware of that.
In that moment he had embraced the soothing warmth of what he knew was as far from getting himself hurt than anything else. He had felt glad to see her, she was his safe place.
The prospect of it all being him trying to project his desire into the boy had irrevocably hit him then, leaving him fearing there would only be deception ahead for him, and he couldn't afford to put himself through it.
He was surely more hurt than the boy by his own actions. Overly so.
Had he thought they had any chance at all he would have never had such a display of affection for him to witness.
That would have been if he cared at all, which was confirmed not to be the case when he saw him talking to Emma, in a rather too flirty manner for his taste. Following her, acting all cool and charming. Extremely charming for what he could see from afar, the girl had no chance. Apparently a feature that was not available for him, at least the boldness display.

Friday had been good though, it had felt good, so good.
So, yeah, no harm done then, he had been the only one to be affected by his own actions. The boy hadn't bothered to do as little as to contact him to claim his snapback back. Or maybe he hadn't noticed, bah, Even had no way of knowing since there had been no interaction between them.
He had made the right decision by putting a halt to his own ungrounded presumptions on the boy's interest in him. In them.
Them was not a thing.

He had been having a hardtime keeping his thoughts from coming back to him. He wasn't even feeling so harshly about seeing him being all smiles to Emma. It's not that he missed him or anything, but that was exactly what it was. He new his brain wouldn't always do what he wanted, he was more than used to it. Which didn't by any means mean it didn't bother him.
He had to give him his snapback back, that would give him closure he was sure.
He determinedly walked towards the the boys gathered at the gym's windowsill drooling over the dancing chicks. Once there he threw him his freaking snapback. There, that's it! This is as far as our thing got.
What the hell was with that frozen stare?
Even being it a rethorical question when he had asked him if it was indeed his snapback, he could have at least nodded in acknowledgment. Otherwise the situation made it look as if he was a deranged person talking nonsense.
Turns out it was the heavily-eyebrowed boy's snapback. At least he had had the deference of talking, unlike the boy who was just staring at him in what looked like utter terror. His stare conveyed it was up to him to come up with something. An enigma really, what and why was there to hide?, they had just hanged out. What the hell. He couldn't even explain to himself, if he was to analyze it, on why he had said he had left it at the cantina. He then left without even saying goodbye, there was no point in doing so, the boy wouldn't have returned the favour, that much he knew.
You know what? Fuck him!, with his eyelashes, fucking cupid's bow, those curls peeking out the sides of his snapback (he wasn't wearing one now, but he remembered, he had it too present really), and his dumb rapping also. He was done dealing with kindergarten population.
He had Sonja.

Another short one, I could have merged it with the next or previous clip, but I really want to do this clip by clip.

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