Desperate To The Next Level

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It was going to be quick if the boy wasn't there. Even was going to check, wait a little maybe to give him time to show up and if not, he would just bail.

Bail cancelled, as soon as Even got there he took a quick peek around to find him sitting there and oh, well, well, well, doing nothing but stare at him and of course quickly drop his eyes to the floor. Of course! That was the way he operated he had learnt.
He had seen him, why did the boy even bother? Silly kawaii-ish creature. Even amused himself with the accuracy of the adjective, it just suited him.
Even triumphantly helped himself with some baked bread from the kose-girl basket, sealing the one person celebration. 
He then proceeded to take a sit on the bleachers behind him, no point in doing it elsewhere. It was his call really, for he had found him following his movements yet again, leaving no doubt on Even's destination spot.

As the jittery Kose-girl a.k.a Vilde kept mumbling, in which was starting to become their thing, in the sense of her talking non stop and him pretending to listen to her, while tactically absorbing his boy's every move. Yes, HIS boy.
Her mentioning that "being nice to others was something that was not natural for everybody" or something like that, caught his attention from her enthusiastic yet unexciting speech, for Even thought she might have been refering to the boy sitting there looking pretty and grouchy; making him feel the impulse to tap his shoulder and tell him, he should apply what she just said on him. Heh.
Or maybe she had meant it towards Sana, she also qualified if you didn't know her.

Hearing his voice for the first time even if it was while he was talking to a pretty yet nerve-racking girl who had just approached him, activated Even's senses. It sounded so sweet or so it seemed since they were mere light unenthusiastic "Yays" taking him to the verge of snorting.

He got, he reckoned, exceedingly excited (sudden stomach butterflies and all) at the thought of getting to hold his hand when Vilde told them to get up to form a circle, a stupid circle he was so for at the moment. But he was left high and dry for the boy quickly sneaked out; in what Even thought, while fighting to suppress a smirk, was the funniest display of an escapism act he had ever witnessed.

After granting the boy a few minutes to get ready for what was coming, even if he himself wasn't sure what would come out of the very necessary interaction he was about to force. He was welcomed to the bathroom by the sounds of what was undestinctly a phone game blasting out behind the one closed door, no Shelock Holmes needed to guess where the boy was.
It didn't take him long to be there next to him to wash his hands.
Even mentally facepalmed as he couldn't for the life of him come up with something to say to break the ice already, it felt at this point that it was long overdue.
He found himself intentionally going into a frenzy for papel towels, the reason for it being, puzzling him since there was literally nobody else there to distract the boy from noticing him.
That.Last.Paper.Towel.Had.To.Go.Too, it was imperative that it did for some reason.
The look on his face making it totally worthy, on top of that he did take the paper towel he retrieved from the garbage can and smoothed before offering it back to him! Priceless.

____________Their Bench

Even knew he was the one to take the bull by the horns when he flaunted the joint after taking it from behind his ear in front of the boy's face, before telling him to meet him outside and leaving. From that moment on all he could do after getting to a bench outside the building, was to hope for the boy to follow.
He also hoped the relief he felt when he saw him appear wasn't that noticeable.
Heh, what the hell?!, what was with him being so careful when taking the joint from Even's hand? He was surely doomed if he kept acting that way.
He had him so close and couldn't help thoroughly staring at him with a smile that he didn't even bother trying to fight. Eyes, lashes, lips! Damn!
The boy served him the opportunity to toy with him on a silver platter, and he surely took it, when he told him what the "love circle game" had been about, delighting him with his reaction. He was pretty expressive when denoting certain emotions, Even had already noticed that. It was bewitching from up close.
By the time the short-haired girl, who had approached him before, returned to make the boy uncomfortable again, and having as a reference his response then, Even felt the need to chip in his defense, not without risking getting frowned upon for meddling. But that wasn't the case, the boy had been more than willing to tag along, proving he had not been wrong about the boy not being interested in the girl.
She then invited herself to join them. -Why is she sitting in our bench?- Even wondered. It had been their bench (like)* for five minutes now. Well, bah.
He wasn't comfortable, neither was the boy nor was the bench.
Even had the boding that the mood wasn't going to be the only thing she would kill.
She was cute though. Em-ma. Even thought to himself.

*of a certain interview on a coffee shop 🤭

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