43 | The Master Artisan

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    Kael frowned. "Why would I do that? I don't want to be aggressive for no reason."

    "Pfft. Right." Rita responded with a lighthearted punch to Kael's shoulder. "How'd you get past them, then?"

    "Garun helped me out."

    "What?" Rita raised her voice and slammed her hand on the table in shock, causing all heads to turn in their direction.

    Fadhia tilted her head. "You should be more quiet, Rita. Inside voices, you know?"

    Relaxing her tense shoulders, Rita merely shrugged. "Hard to believe someone like him would be willing to help."

    "I mean, I kind of forced him to, so it's not like he offered. Still, he's not so bad."

    "Right. And I'm an angel." As if to further prove her point, Rita raised her feet on the table and threw a crumpled piece of paper at Tyra, who was calmly reading until it hit the back of her head.

    Tyra tensed, snapping her book shut and whirling around with a glare. "Did you just hit me?"

    "I threw paper at you."

    "Are you asking for a fight? My patience is running thin with you."

    "Ooh, scary."

    Fadhia flickered a worried gaze between the two girls. "Guys, don't fight."

    "Relax, Fads," Rita said. "Little miss protocol there would never fight. Isn't that right, Tyra?"

    Huffing, Tyra turned away. "Unfortunately. You're lucky because If I wasn't so patient, I would be beating you up."

    Rita seemed to find this amusing, as she cackled loudly, her hands clasped languidly on her stomach. Kael shook his head with a slight smile. Rita was probably too outspoken for her own good, and he was sure she'd get in trouble for it in the near future. Still he couldn't imagine her caring about that. No. Rita would probably lash out even more. He marvelled at how he could imagine her reaction in hypothetical situations. It was as if he had known her all his life.

    "You should give Garun a chance," he said quietly but loud enough that Rita could hear him.

    She just shrugged and sank lower into her seat, crossing her ankles and pulling her flat cap down her face. "Just wake me up when the teacher gets here."

    But it seemed time was against her; as soon as she relaxed into a comfortable position, the door flew open, and Maya rushed in with apologies for being late. She dropped a massive pile of papers on her podium and clapped her hands. Groaning, Rita dropped her feet and slumped forward on the long table with her cheek planted on her palm.

    "Nevermind," she muttered.

    "Good morning, class," Maya greeted in her usual mellifluous voice. Kael thought she would be a talented singer. "I have a surprise for you, today!"

    Curiosity shifted the atmosphere, the shuffle of students perking up with interest animating the perfunctory slouches. Maya smiled brightly as she gestured towards the door.

    "Class, let me introduce you to Master Burion. Sir, please come in."

    Everyone watched the door, burning with curiosity, wondering who this Master Burion would be. They all heard him before they saw him.

    "Maya, my dear, you should be ashamed of yourself for leaving an old man like myself all alone in the halls. You never know when something terrible might happen."

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