Chapter 15 Staring Contest

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Jack's POV

"But I don't wanta!" Ben whined

"Cummon Ben I did it last time it's your turn to get the groceries." Ben as usual didn't want to get off his lazy ass.

"Let's have a staring contest, last one to blink loses and has to do it." Ben proclaimed. "I'm good with that" Jeff adds. What the fuck is wrong with him?! Ben blinks at us once before lounging back on the couch leaving me and Jeff just sitting there incapable of blinking. " your a dumb ass you know"  Jeff ignores my comment seeming so focused on trying to force his non existing eyelids closed. "Jack your a dumb ass for not objecting and Jeff your a dumb ass for burning your eyelids." Sarah states just before she walks out the front door to get the groceries as usual.
Sarah's POV

I want to get out of the house, Jack has kept me cooped up in his room for a week. Plus it almost phisicly hurt to see their level of stupidity, having a staring contest when Ben is the only one phisicly capable of blinking. Major face palm moment. I run the 7 miles to the nearest store just before I enter I put up my hood to guard my face. When I walk into the store I feel the always present urge to kill, but this time it's so much stronger. I bite my tongue until the bulk of the urge passes before heading down one of the nearest rows. A woman and her husband brows a shelf and the urge returned so suddenly I feel light headed I feel myself wobbling slightly. "Excuse me miss, are you feeling all right?" I clutch the handle of my knife as the woman places a hand on my back. I look up and meet her eyes. She recoils in fear. Shit I forgot I was totally scary now. My body screams at me to kill her now and before I can think through what I'm doing, I stab her in the abdomen I remove my bloody knife as she falls to the ground screaming in pain. As her husband runs in fear completely abandoning his wife. I stab the lady again in the throat silencing her screens but it's too late. Half the store is crowding around me. I can't fight my instinct anymore, with inhuman speed, I stab several of the onlookers and causing complete panic. People flock to the door like sheep being hunted by the big bad wolf. I don't want the cops to show up while I'm still here so I cut down everyone headed for the door. My entire body is stained with blood by the time I finish. Not a signal soul is left in the store, just pools of red. I hear sirens outside, I must have missed someone. I slip my knife back into its holster and walk out the doors with my hands up and my head down. I cops point their guns at me  as the doors swing shut behind me.

I could have killed the cops right then but I hadn't been out in a while and wasn't so eager to get back to the house just yet. The cops put me in hand cuffs and remove my five knives yet foolishly not taking the small blade I have concealed under my tongue. They then stuff me into one of their cars none too gently I might add. I slip the blade out from under my tongue, it's no more than 2 centimeters long but has a tip as sharp as any knife. Using the fine tip, I easily pick the lock on the cuffs before using my telacanesis to lift the blade and drive it into the heart of the driver.

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