Chapter 4 Slender's Deal

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Jack's POV

Sarah and I watched TV for who knows how long. Ben had come back and was locked away in his room playing video games.

"Who is this?" We turned in unison and saw slenderman. Sarah's mouth hung wide open.

"Jack, who is she?"slender repeated. I was just about to respond but Sarah beat me to it.

"My name is Sarah Williams and Jack is training me."thankful I had a mask because my mouth was hanging open like a moron. 'Relax Jack I can tell him what he wants to hear' I heard Sarah's voice inside my head and my mouth opened wider. 'Holy shit you can hear me.' My thoughts swam with questions. 'Just go with it'  if we were going to lie to slender we'd need to put on one hell of a performance.

"is this true Jack?"

"Ya, she even killed her own parents." I said as I changed the channel back to the news that was repetitively showing the story.

"And how might I ask did you come to find this girl?"

"I heard screams. I asked Jack and Jeff to train me, I killed my parents as a sigh of devotion." Damn Sarah was a good lier.

"Jack, you have one month to train her then we will make her immortal." Whenever Slender said something like that, there was no arguing about it. He just teleported up to his room leaving us both with gapping mouths.

Sarah's POV

" what the hell Was that?!" Jack yelled

"That was the only thing he would accept. Anything else and he would have killed me on the spot." Ok so that wasn't entirely true, I said what I wanted to say.

"Not what you said to Slender, I mean the voice in my head!" I mental face palmed. That's what he's worried about?

"Wait, what did you say to slender?" Mental face palm wasn't cutting it for that one. I sighed and projected the conversation to Jack, just as I had the voice.

"What the fuck were you thinking!? Do you realize what this means!? You have to become a killer or die! You're such a fucking idiot!" Jack's thoughts were a tornado of rage, but there was also a glimmer of joy. "I know what I said Jack, and I don't regret it." Jack's joy began to blossom and grow. And I realized that I truly ment what I said. I'd always known I was different, that there was something broken inside me who would have guessed it was my humanity. I was awoken from my thoughts by a raging headache and mixers of random thoughts. Jeff's thoughts. I reached for my temples trying to soothe the pain. But then it seemed to stop instantly. I felt Jack's hand on my back. It filled my mind with his thoughts and blocked out Jeff's. Jack glared accusingly at Jeff. I looked up into the dark pits of his eyes. 'Calm down. It's not his fault, he doesn't mean to' I must admit thought projection was pretty cool.

"She's still alive?" Jeff furrowed his brow. Just as I had before I projected the conversation to him.

Jeff's smile somehow grew even wider. "Someone is one tough bitch."

"Jeff you train her."

"Why me?!"Jeff whined.

I smirk "because Jack thinks he'd go too easy on me." Even though I can't see it I know Jack is blushing. He removes his hand from me and I imidiately get swept away in Jeff's thoughts. "Okay... okay you win Jack" the pain vanishes the moment he returns his hand to me.

"I'm not so sure I should train her." Jeff doesn't bother to hide the relief in his voice.

"BEN!" Jeff yells up the stairs. I hear Ben opening the door and stomping down the hall.

"WHAT?"he matches Jeff's tone even though he's only a few feet away.

"Do the weird mind thingy to Ben" Jeff demands. I send Ben the conversation and he smiles as wide as Jeff.

*case you haven't noticed Jeff is crazy, Jack is possessive,and Ben isa perv! Don't neglect dat vote button if you like the story ♡*

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