I never really got along with other females for dominance reasons but I had to admit Bowen's mother was proving interesting so far. "Mr. and Mrs. Shaw it's nice to meet you and I'm sorry for any unintended disrespect at your appearance. If I'd known to expect you I wouldn't have acted so rudely, I'm heading in for a cup of coffee if you'd like to join me?" I posed the question to his mother as Micah handed her an oversized t-shirt to slip into. "I'd love too, it sounds perfect. While the boys have their little talk, we can have one of our own." She smiled as we headed inside, I would play nice for now, but I still didn't like the fact they hadn't shown me proper respect in return yet. 


Watching Sidney head inside with a half naked Mrs. Shaw was strange on so many levels. I was honestly surprised no one felt the desire to tease Bowen over his parents lack of clothing, it was very unusual considering Micah and Emmett were present and accounted for. There was also the fact of Sidney's body language clearly stating she didn't like them being here and yet she went inside alone with one of them. It didn't even look like they had noticed how displeased she was with their arrival especially after her joking, but I'd seen the change of her movements turning wary. 

She was acting like she had when we'd first met her and considering the Shaw parents didn't have much of a filter we would need to keep an eye out for trouble brewing. "Well son, what is the reason for your summons to us?" Mr. Shaw raised proudly as Bowen led the group a little further from the house to avoid being heard. "It is about the she wolf, and yet you don't want her to hear you? Is there something going on that we need to know about?" He raised once more. "She has some rogue bounty hunters after her and we've already faced a couple of attacks since her arrival." Colton explained lowly. 

"Huh, the bounty hunting thing is a new one, but with a she wolf around you, you'll learn to expect a greater number of challengers for her. I remember how hard it was to keep your mother by getting rid of them until she finally accepted me." He shrugged as he sent a glance back to the house. "Well these challengers don't exactly want to win her they want to kill her or cage her long enough for someone else to kill her." Beck growled out. "Now that is a new one, I've never heard of male wolves trying to kill an unclaimed she wolf, rogue or not." He puzzled slowly back. 

"She's not most she wolves, Bowen figured that out last night." I murmured softly as his eyes landed on me for a moment before focusing back on his alpha son. "She did that to you and she doesn't have a scratch on her? I must say I'm getting awful curious about what you boys have been up to around here with that little she wolf. What do you mean she isn't like other she wolves?" He rumbled back at me and I looked to the others for help at a response. "She has turned down every single one of our advances since she got here, she even had Micah wear a dress!" Tucker smirked as he dodged Micah's punch.

 "I lost the stupid bet fair and square, I couldn't exactly go back on my word, besides it was nice to hear her laugh, even if it was at my expense." Micah sighed. "She really has changed you boys already hasn't she." Bowen's dad shook his head at us with a sly smile. "So who is the lucky fella that you'd say has the slightest chance of winning her over?" He voiced intently. "That's actually the reason we called you Mr. Shaw, all of us like her and we don't know what to do about it." Simon stated with a pleading tone, we were all getting desperate for some help on the matter.

 "Well that does pose some problems, I've seen brothers kill each other over a female like that, it's a very dangerous thing to chase the same girl." There seemed to be something else he was leaving out but I didn't have the guts to ask what it was. "Dad, she's an alpha." Bowen grunted drawing all attention back to him. "You mean she was claimed by an alpha before?" He frowned back. "No he means, as far as we know she was born an alpha to alpha ranking parents, she herself is an alpha." Asher rumbled slowly. "How else would she have beaten Bowen in her challenge last night, even as a strong fighter." Gavin huffed out. 

"So she not only rejects you, she fights you and wins? I've never heard of a female alpha but I have heard of some more dominant she wolves... Are you honestly interested in her together, all of you?" He quizzed curtly and we didn't hesitate to respond with confirmation. "Well I've never faced something like this myself but I have heard of a few cases in which a pack shared a she wolf. Most of the time it doesn't work but from the few cases that do, I'm told the females had more dominant tendencies in order to help keep any fighting to the minimum." He stated curiously. "You mean they share her as in all of them together with her? Could that work for us?" Fletcher seemed hopeful all of a sudden. 

"That is the question pup and with trouble chasing her down, it's not likely she'll be in a romantic mood for the time being. There is someone that might be able to help you though, I've only met their alpha in person but from what I've heard they could be helpful to you in both areas of problems your facing. They are a strong pack despite being smaller and they are great warriors in battle, but if word proves true they all share a she wolf amongst them. I can give you the location of their territory and a way to contact them, if you'd like." He stated as he scanned all of us. 

"Sounds perfect." Jason grinned. "She'll kill us for this if she finds out the real reason we asked for your help." I sighed out on a groan. "Then I would advise letting her come to the conclusion on her own, until then I wish you all the best of luck, it sounds like you'll need it." Bowen's dad chuckled lowly it was both teasing and foreboding, but I would take every bit of help we could get. 

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