pART 4. "If you love me, you love me happy"

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To my dearest Thomas, Josiah, & Jesus.

I could say that you all are not allowed to be jealous of one another. Jealousy is normal. Envy is also normal. Decide which one that you identify with if you're feeling that you do and then we can decide on healthy ways to manage your emotions about our lifestyle so that we all may maintain healthy boundaries and control over our feelings and emotions. Please don't let your pride and ego disturb the greatness of our love. Our evolution depends on us. Please vow to be great with me. Equality is the basis of our foundation of peace and love.

Open and honest communication is the most important thing to me. Loyalty is everything and I trust that you all will remain loyal to me and protect me as long as we are all in agreement and understanding of one another to be together going against the illusion of time. Here's to flowing with and not against.

Let's discuss our boundaries and decide on our poly dynamic together. shall we be open or closed. Would you all like another woman or am I too much all on my own. Do we really need a fourth man or maybe just us four. I like us how we are but I am open to suggestions. I want to see all of my men have exactly what they want. I vow to try my best to give it to you.

First and foremost, I love you all and I want to love you as happy as you are. I want to continue to learn you so that I can discover multiple ways to make you happy and contribute to your peace. I promise I am not worthy of you but I am thankful for you. I will do everything in my power to show you that I appreciate you every single day that goes by.

This I promise you, all of you.

If you love me, you love me happy.

I love you just the same, and I will meet you in full reciprocation. I will elevate you on all levels, especially your energy. Especially your vibe. Especially your soul. I promise that I will take very good care of you. Our goals are to establish generational wealth for the bloodline of our future. For the children to grow up without having to heal from their childhood trauma. Our goals are to eliminate anything that does not heal us. All of you have been charged with protecting me on all levels.

I love you all. I am loyal to you. Our life is important to me. Our world is flourishing and our love is forever expanding. Our love is healing us and the future generations to come.

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