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Jungkook punched at the punching bag, sweat dribbling down his forehead and neck as he kept going at it. Jungkook had been going at it for an hour now and the jealously he felt was long gone but now this was just for him. Punching the bag helped him let off the anger in him.

Hell, he wasn't even sure why he was angry but he was. Kicking the bag away, Jungkook fell back onto one of the mats and placed his hand over his forehead while he closed his eyes. Huffing out his breaths as he regained his rhythm of breathing normally. The boy slowly sat up after a while and took a gulp of his water.

Jungkook never stopped beating himself up about the day- days he went off at Taehyung for shit he shouldn't have. How he laid his hand on Taehyung and would apologize, saying he would never do that again and yet he would repeat his situation. When he reached out for Taehyung or even walked near him, he could see the boy flinch or tense up.

Jungkook hated knowing that he fucked up Taehyung that bad and it must have been worse before now. Now Taehyung was seeing someone and Jungkook didn't know how to feel. Of course, he is happy that Taehyung is finding someone better than him but shit, it hurt because Jungkook was still madly in love with Taehyung. He shouldn't be.. he really shouldn't but he is. Doesn't mean he wants Taehyung back though. It just.. hurt.

Jungkook tried to forget about Taehyung time after time but he just couldn't. Taehyung was and is his rock even if Taehyung is scared of him. It was comforting being in the same old apartment but the memories fucked the feeling up. Then again, that was Jungkook who made the decision to make those memories.

The bad memories overthrew the good memories and that was the sucky part. Most days they did have a great connection and the day was more than amazing. Over the years Jungkook did learn self-control, even had a roommate that was an annoying fuck during college years and only beat him up once- before he got the help that was.

Ever since then, Jungkook hasn't hit anyone or done anything rational. The anger management classes were helping and also the gym helped. Jungkook really knew that it would still take some time but he was getting there. That made him proud and was moving forward with his life, after Suki and Taehyung that is.. or if he could move on with life after Suki and Taehyung.

After calming down, Jungkook brushed his wet hair back and sighed, finishing off his water before he pushed himself up from the mat and made his way to the washroom to clean up a little before heading back out and back to the apartment.

Taehyung watched Suki play with Nana while he turned to Kwanlin who smiled and grabbed at Taehyung's hand. "So.. last night." Kwanlin nibbled on his lip while Taehyung gulped and nodded. "Yeah uh, I'm sorry. I just-" Taehyung stopped talking as Kwanlin shook his head and chuckled. "No, no it's my fault. I rushed it, I'm sorry."

Taehyung nodded slowly with a forced smile. "How about I make it up to you. The carnival is tonight and I'm pretty good at winning games." Kwanlin raised an eyebrow. Taehyung chuckled and hummed, taking a moment to think about it. "Before you can say no, I'll take my leave and come pick you up tonight." Kwanlin leaned in, pressing a kiss on Taehyung's forehead.

Taehyung opened his mouth to speak but Kwanlin was long gone as Taehyung was finally about to get a word out but shut up once the door closed. Smiling, Taehyung shook his head and left to his desk where he grabbed out Nana's file. It's been a week and they haven't yet found Nana foster parents she could stay with. Not many people wanted children unless they were newborns or smaller than what Nana is.

Flicking his wrist, Taehyung sighed and turned to the computer that he had all the information in. Though as he tried to focus on his work, the date tonight had Taehyung deep in thought. The first date didn't go quite well even though Taehyung was out late. Especially the part where Taehyung was half-naked in front of a full-on naked man and ran out without an explanation.

As he thought, it was too quick for Taehyung. You think five years would be enough time for Taehyung to recover but.. the mental state and the love he held for Jungkook just wouldn't go away. He wanted to get it over with and sleep with Kwanlin but the moment it came down to such a thing.. he ran.

Shaking his head, Taehyung looked at his ringing phone and cleared his throat before picking it up. "Hel-" Taehyung stopped talking once Jungkook's voice came through. "Yeah yeah, I'll meet you there," Taehyung said in a hurry before hanging up. There he asked one of his co-workers to take over for him as he went to grab Suki.

"Bye Nana!" Suki waved while walking out of the door meanwhile, Nana frowned and waved at Suki who was long gone. It was a quick situation and Suki was scared because of how much of a rush Taehyung was in but nonetheless he wanted to be a good boy so he followed Taehyung.

Arriving at the police station, Taehyung looked around to see Jungkook sitting on a chair just a little bit away. Once Jungkook laid eyes on Taehyung and Suki, he walked over. Taehyung looked at Jungkook with a questionable look. "So? What's happening?" Taehyung asked, his hand making gestures as Jungkook gulped. "They found-" Jungkook stopped talking once Suki yelled 'mommy' and ran towards the girl seating herself.

Taehyung looked behind Jungkook who turned and watched Suki hug at the standing girl's legs, bawling his eyes out. Though Taehyung's eye's widened as he took a look at the girl. "She looks so young-" Taehyung pointed out as Jungkook nodded and cleared his throat, looking at Taehyung while pursing his lips for a moment. "She's twenty-three."

Taehyung almost choked on his spit as he looked at Jungkook who nodded. "So that means she was a teenage mom." Taehyung tilted his head a bit before looking at Jungkook who nodded. Though as they watched, the mother did nothing but watch Suki at her legs. The girl crying but didn't even bother to hold her own child.

Jungkook looked at the girl not knowing if he should feel sorry or angry that she wasn't even acknowledging her son. "Come in." The police officer was heard and soon enough everyone was entering the room.

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