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That night, Taehyung might have gotten more drunk then he planned on. Time went by so fast that he couldn't even focus on what the fuck he was doing. At first he thought he was handling his alcohol well until eventually he was too fucked up too notice. All he knew was Jimin was gone with Misun probably making babies while he stood in a crowd dancing with a few other people that surrounded him.

As for Jungkook, he talked about himself a lot to Taehyung's father who started to grow onto Jungkook. Not fully trust Jungkook but Taehyung's father grew fond of Jungkook after a few drinks. Mr. Kim didn't mind that Jungkook was dating Taehyung while in university as he accepted that quite well. He knew Jungkook was majoring in engineering and that he was from Busan.

They shared a lot in common in which Jungkook thought they would be far from having something's in common but it was nice to relate to someone on things. Though before he knew it, Jungkook was leaving with a very drunk man. Though his wife was already there to pick him up. "He's a very good boy Song, I love him, he's great." The man slurred.

Jungkook smiled at that and said his goodbyes to the man who couldn't hold his alcohol either which made his smile uncontrollably as he thought of Taehyung. Looking at his phone, he looked at the text Taehyung sent just before he had a few drinks with his father before he hurried off to his motorcycle.

It wasn't two just yet but he was sure Taehyung would want to go home and so he started his drive, focused on the road as he did so. As for Taehyung, the boy was sitting on the couch trying to set himself straight on where the fuck he was and what the fuck was happening until another male sat beside him and wrapped his arm around Taehyung.

Taehyung only slurred his words as he leaned onto the touch, thinking it was Jungkook as he started to pass out. Though he was fully aware when the boy tried to touch him. "Not here." Taehyung mumbled out as the male nodded. "Wanna get a room?" He asked and Taehyung nodded slowly with his eyes closed, the male helping Taehyung up who only fell back onto the couch.

Just on time, Jungkook walked into the house party and it didn't take long for the male to recognize Taehyung being thrown over a males shoulder. Jungkook's blood boiled, pushing through the crowd before he pulled Taehyung off the boys shoulder.

"Woah." Taehyung stumbled back and was pressed against Jungkook's chest, looking up and smiling with hooded eyes. "Jungkookie~ you're so fucking handsome." Taehyung giggled while the other male tried to grab onto Taehyung who stumbled to the other male but Jungkook stopped him.

"Hands off, I got him first." The unknown male spoke to Jungkook who scoffed. "He's my boyfriend and I suggest you let him go or there will be a real problem between us." Jungkook warned the male with a piercing glare before he grabbed his boyfriend and practically dragged the male out, Taehyung stumbling as he tried to keep up.

"I can't get on th-that." Taehyung hiccupped as Jungkook shook his head. "You really don't have a choice Taehyung." Jungkook groaned at Taehyung. Surely he shouldn't be pissed off at Taehyung but at the other boy. Though he just couldn't control the anger within him Jungkook closed his eyes for a moment but snapped within seconds.

"I'll fall o-" Taehyung didn't know what happened but the next thing he knew was he was facing the house after feeling a stinging pain on his cheek. Going quiet, Taehyung blinked away the tears forming in his eyes and looked at Jungkook who had walked off just a bit while running his hands through his hair frustratingly.

"Look what you made me do Taehyung! Fuck!" Jungkook pulled at his hair lightly and sighed out as Taehyung gulped. "I knew I shouldn't have let you out. I knew we should have just stayed in, I just wanted to be a good boyfriend. Now- fuck." Jungkook was quick to walk over to Taehyung who looked at Jungkook with an emotionless expression, not sure what to process.

Did Jungkook just slap him? From the feel on his cheek, he was surely slapped but he would never have thought Jungkook would be the one to slap him. Jungkook cupped Taehyung's cheeks and caressed the boy's red cheek. "Fuck baby, I'm sorry, I just- fuck. I'm sorry okay? I.. I shouldn't have done that."

Taehyung only looked at Jungkook until he broke out of his little trance and shook his head, grabbing Jungkook's wrist and leaning into the touch. "It's okay kookie, everything is fine. I'm okay." Taehyung managed to speak out as Jungkook shook his head, cursing himself out. "I shouldn't have done that, Taehyung, I'm so sorry please I just don't know how to control myself sometimes. I'm so sorry."

Taehyung smiled a bit before caressing Jungkook's cheek and leaning in to peck his lips. "I'm okay Jungkook. You're right, I shouldn't have gone out, can we just go back to your place? Forget about this? Please?" Taehyung pleaded the boy as Jungkook breathed out. "You sure you don't wanna go home? I'll understand." Jungkook pursed his lips.

Taehyung for the nth time shook his head. "I wanna be with you, I just wanna fall asleep in your arms, come on." Taehyung grabbed onto Jungkook's hand and pulled him towards the motocycle. Jungkook nodded and stopped Taehyung, kissing his cheek multiple times before Taehyung was chuckling a bit. "I love you, I hope you know that." Jungkook spoke.

It was those words that had Taehyung forgiving Jungkook. "I know that. And I love you so much more." Taehyung allowed Jungkook to put the helmet on him as he got on and held onto Jungkook. The slap was just a little mistake, nothing more. At least that was what Taehyung thought.

Maybe he was just too drunk to admit that Jungkook had overreacted for no good reason but maybe it was his fault right? He should have limited himself on the booze. Jungkook's words just seemed to dig into Taehyung's mind and stay there, holding tighter onto Jungkook as Taehyung began to mumble 'sorry' to Jungkook who felt just as bad for slapping Taehyung.

It was true, sometimes he just couldn't control himself but that didn't mean it was still right to do it. Other than that, once they got back, Taehyung was in bed and snuggling close to Jungkook who kept apologizing until Taehyung was fast asleep.

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