-𝘵𝘸𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘺 𝘧𝘪𝘷𝘦

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Jungkook broke out of his trance, clearing his throat and smiling at the younger boy as he nodded. "Yes uh.. you did." Jungkook brushed the boys hair back before looking at Taehyung who seemed just as shocked as Jungkook was. "I-I'm sorry, Suki just... yeah I-" Jungkook mentally cursed himself out at the sudden loss of words.

Though after pushing everything aside, Taehyung nodded and waved his hand. "No, No it's fine. Suki here has very good eye vision." Taehyung let out a little awkward chuckle. "Suki is my nickname. My real name is Saito Itsuki!" The boy said proudly while clinging onto Jungkook who smiled proudly at the boy who announced his name.

Taehyung could only coo at how proud the boy was as he nodded. "Itsuki is a very handsome name for a handsome little fella like you." Taehyung complimented the smaller boy who giggled, hiding his face in Jungkook's shoulder. Jungkook chuckled, rubbing Suki's back as he then looked at Taehyung who turned his gaze away and so did Jungkook.

"How are you?" They both ended up saying at the same time which caused an awkward laughter between the two before Jungkook motioned Taehyung to speak and Taehyung nodded. "Well.. uh, I'm great actually and you?" Taehyung asked Jungkook who nodded. "Could never be better." Is all Jungkook spoke.

The silence between them broke as Suki kicked his legs lightly. "Can we go eat now kookie?" Suki asked with a smug smile, his head tilting onto his shoulder. "Right! yes, yeah. Uh, It was nice seeing you.. Taehyung." Jungkook gave a light smile as Taehyung nodded and forced a smile. "Yes! of course, you too Jungkook." Taehyung waved the two goodbye before Jungkook was walking passed Taehyung.

It took strength not to look back as Taehyung continued his walk. So many questions he wanted to ask but it was obviously not the best decision. Seeing Jungkook was not the best thing could ever happen to him. Jungkook didn't have the same look he had back then. Looking more mature and well put together now. The personality was no longer cocky but more like shy?

Or maybe it was Taehyung who was shy but yet he was scared for his life. Heart still beating out of his chest, Taehyung made his way home and was entering his apartment with Namjoon following after Taehyung who he had seen fumbling with the keys, slightly shaking. Once entering the apartment, Namjoon closed the door.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Namjoon asked, hurrying over to Taehyung who dropped onto the couch and suddenly started to laugh into his hands. Which kind of scared Namjoon if he was being honest. "What... are you doing?" Namjoon asked with his eyebrows furrowed, obviously he was quite confused. Once sitting up and breathing out, Taehyung shook his head and cleared his throat.

"I saw him." Taehyung chuckled until the chuckle had him pursing his lips and his vision went blurry. Forcing a smile, Taehyung looked up and nodded a few times. "After five years. After all this, I saw Jungkook and I don't know how to feel. Literally I feel numb." Taehyung explained to Namjoon who was already texting Jimin who responded in a quick minute as Namjoon sat next to Taehyung.

By the time Jimin and Misun were in the apartment, Taehyung was having some sort of meltdown as he started cleaning the carpet. "I haven't cleaned this in months, I should clean it now." Taehyung sniffled, grabbing the vacuum. "You just got this rug a week ago-" Namjoon reminded Taehyung who stopped and gulped. "Then- then I must clean it just in case."

Both Jimin and Misun walked in confused, looking at Taehyung as the boy tried to plug in the vacuum that wouldn't cooperate with him. "Can you just fucking- for fuck sakes." Taehyung dropped the plug in and breathed out. Namjoon gave Jimin a look before Jimin walked over and brought Taehyung in for a hug. "I'm fine. Everything is fine. I'm fine. I'm fucking great. I'm fucking fine! I'm-"

Taehyung shook his head and held onto Jimin. "Why now?! I just- I got myself together. I went to therapy because of him and then he just shows up! My heart feels just like how it felt five years ago but it also holds so much hate for him and- the love defeats the hate! Jimin- Jimin why now? When I got my life back on track, why now?" Taehyung asked, holding onto Jimin.

Misun gulped, walking over to the two and cupping Taehyung's face that had tears streaming down his cheeks. Wiping them away gently with her thumbs, Misun breathed out and smiled lightly. "You suck up those tears okay Taehyung? You've cried so much over him. So many tears used over him and you're not starting again. Remember the bumps in the road? This is just a bump on the road. He is not going to stop you or hurt you anymore."

Taehyung had his eyes closed while listening to Misun, slowly nodding as he sniffed and opened his eyes. "Thank you." Taehyung whispered out as he left Jimin's arms to hug Misun who hugged Taehyung who sniffled more. "Can I cuddle between you and Jimin now." Taehyung mumbled. With a chuckle, Misun nodded. "Namjoon, get the movie ready, Jimin, snacks." Misun bossed the boys around.

Misun sat down on the couch and ran her fingers through Taehyung's hair as they waited for Jimin and Namjoon. "Tell me, how did it feel?" Misun asked knowing Taehyung, he wanted to spill it. "It was.. unreal? I was stuck in the moments of our past. I felt scared, hurt, in love. I just... don't know? There was this kid with him too. Saito Itsuki was his name but Jungkook called him Suki."

Misun furrowed her eyebrows as she heard the information, suddenly wondering why Jungkook had a kid with him. "Is it... his own?" Misun asked as Taehyung sighed and shrugged. "Would it really be a surprise though?" Taehyung asked ask, his tone dead as his head rested on Misun's shoulder. "Well I mean... he's gay ain't he?" Misun asked which caused Taehyung to lightly laugh. "Okay, true." Taehyung hummed, getting snugged between Misun and Jimin once Jimin returned.

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