Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Four

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Blue Eyed Boy-Chapter Four


Monday morning sucked. I didn't expect much more from it since it was, after all, Monday. Mark cruised along the road as his radio blasted screamo, one type of music that the world could live without. Priya couldn't take me today because she's "sick". I, personally, think that she is skipping. I hadn't talked to Spencer in what seemed like a long time, even though it was last night. I hope that Tyler didn't say anything. I can't trust him since he already told her that I got drunk and had a hangover. Bleh... never doing that again.

When we arrived at school, I clumsily got out of the car and stumbled over to Spencer. Being hungover apparently sucks the energy from your body.

"Monday drains energy like Priya drains her daily Red Bull,"I sighed when I reached her.

"Good morning to you too,"she glared.

"Yeah, yeah. Where is Tyler?"I questioned, looking around for the charming boy.

"He's by his car. Why? What went down before I was awake yesterday?"she asked.

"Umm. Nothing. We just talked. Bye! I've gotta go talk to him,"I walked away quickly, trying to avoid her stare.

I got to Tyler soon. I walked up to him, grabbed his toned forearm, and dragged him away from his crowd. They gave wolf whistles and questioning looks. I ignored them and continued to lead us around the corner of the building. Once we were alone, I started to talk.

"You better not tell Spencer anything that happened,"I threatened.

"Gosh, I won't. I don't even see what the big deal is. What did we talk about that is top secret?"he said.

"Well...nothing. I just don't want her... thinking anything,"I stammered.

"Yeah, well. She already hates me. Why not add 'screams at friends' to my long list of wrongs,"he rolled his eyes.

"Well, I'd rather not get caught up in your feud and I'd rather her not keep blabbing about you,"I glared.

"What? You don't want to get caught up in this whirlwind of Tyler? I hear it's pretty awesome,"he smirked.

"Cocky, too. You're the total package,"I swooned sarcastically.

I then walked away, leaving him staring after me. I had had enough of him for one day. In fact, I was positively convinced that any remnants of a crush that I still had for him were long gone. What a player.

The bell rang and I quickly stopped by my locker before heading to homeroom. Luckily, I didn't run into Spencer and her incessant questions on my way. I plopped down in a back seat and took out my Algebra homework that I was too lazy to do the night before. As I was trying to figure out how I was supposed to convert the extremely long decimal into a fraction, Tyler sauntered over and sat on my left. I decided that ignoring him would be the best option. I continued doing my homework until every equation was solved.

Unfortunately, there was still a couple minutes left of class when I finished. I turned to put my textbook back into my backpack at the same time that Tyler chose to pick his pencil up. Our skulls collided and I hissed in pain.

"Oops, sorry,"he said, not looking the least bit injured.

"It's fine. You just have a really hard head,"I snickered, a pounding headache now forming in my cranium.

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