Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Thirty- Eight


Tyler's POV


 As the door opened I looked up to see Tanner and Luke. 

"It's time for the show," Luke snarled.

I tensed up at the mention of the dreaded event. Instead of gaining the same reaction from Addison, she just remained still. Then she surprised me by lifting her dry eyes to mine. I decided to give her a reassuring smile even though I was on the verge of tears. 

They lifted us both up and divided us. I gave a sigh of relief as I saw Tanner start to take her to her location. I winced in pain as Luke roughly held my wrists behind my back. Halfway down the hall I was dragged into a room across from where Addi was being taken.

Luke didn't give me a second glance as he threw me into the room and slammed the door closed behind him.

"Hello,"a feminine voice said behind me.

I turned around expecting to see a woman but found myself looking into the ice blue eyes of a guy. I did my best to not flinch in surprise, but I think he noticed the shock that flooded my face.

"Not what you were expecting, huh?"he smirked.

If I was a girl, I might even call him attractive. He had shaggy dirty blonde hair that fell across his perfectly shaped eyebrows. His jaw was sculpted and he had a bit of stubble on his chin. He was dressed very nice and he just screamed homo.

"Not really,"I gave a low chuckle.

"Is it a good surprise?"

"I guess so,"I hesitated.

He gave a snicker,"So I'm guessing you don't swing that way?"

I gave my head a quick shake,"Definetly not."

"Too bad. You are one hot tamale."

I gave a fake laugh and decided to examine my surroundings. I was in a room much like before, except this time there was a make-up station and a white suit and black tie hanging on a rack.

"So they are dressing me up so that they can torture and kill me? Aren't ya'll going a bit overboard about this? I feel like I sold myself to the devil. All I want to do is remove myself from the gang and all of a sudden I'm on the top of the hit list along with my innocent girlfriend,"I huffed, collapsing against the wall as the reality of the situation hit me again.

"I don't really care. I am getting payed big bucks to make you pretty,"he shrugged.

"You are a heartless asshole and it is gay people like you that make me feel like a homophobe,"I snarled as I looked at the frowning man with disgust.

"You are practically dead so I don't see the point in arguing,"he jutted his chin out and looked anywhere but me.

"I just want you to know that I am going to haunt you until you go so crazy that you jump off of a bridge."

After that we didn't speak anymore. I was fuming and at the moment I preffered to do it in silence because arguing with this faggot was just making me angrier.

I chanced a glance in his direction and realized that he was up and messing with the prepared tux. He got it off the hanger and carried it toward me. At the last moment he threw in my face and I barely had time to bring my hands up to keep it from slapping my face. 

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