Blue Eyed Boy-Chapter Two

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Blue Eyed Boy-Chapter Two

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I woke up the next day with renewed vigor. For some reason, the moment my alarm clock went off, I was wide awake and ready to start the day. I had a light breakfast before going up to my room and cleaning up. I decided to stand out against all of the pencil straight blondes, and scrunch my brunette hair. When I was done, there was curly cues neatly organized and pinned away from my face. I applied more make-up than usual. Aside from my usual eye make-up, I applied concealer to my few red spots and trade in my usual clear lipgloss for some with a red tint. I glanced in the mirror, satisfied with my work.

Then I waltzed to my walk in closet and turned on the light. I dug through it until I had seen every single garment. I was upset with what I came up with. I got an idea and went to my sister's room. She was already up and downstairs. If she caught me in here, I was dead. This caused me to speed up the process and run to her closet. I opened it up and quickly found a suitable outfit. With it in hand, I ran to my room and put the clothes on before finding some shoes to go with it.

I walked up to my full length mirror and was surprised with what I saw. I looked hot! I've never been ugly but I wasn't that popular and hadn't had that many boyfriends. I was wearing skinny holister jeans, rolled up about three inches. For shoes, I had my navy TOMS. The top was a strapless tank with a sweetheart top. It was grey and made my eyes stand out. Over top I had a navy cropped cardigan. The only thing in my warddrobe that I owned was the shoes.

"Get down here!"my sister yelled from below.

I started down the stairs before freezing on the last step. She was going to see what I had on.

"Um...Mark is going to drive me today,"I said.

"Oh, okay. Well, I'll see you later,"I heard footsteps.

I walked off of the steps and almost screamed when I saw my sister right beside me.

"I can tell when you are lying. Even if I can't see your face,"my sister smirked.

"Well, let's go.I guess you are driving me,"I started for the door.

"Not so fast, are those my jeans...and my top....and my favorite cardigan?"my sister asked and I slowly turned around.

She was scowling at me,"I would be extremely mad at you right now if you didn't look so good. You can wear my clothes, just this once. I'll take you shopping this afternoon, if you want to improve your usual wardrobe."

"Okay,thanks."I smiled, glad she chose today to be a good sister.

My wardrobe wasn't that bad. I just didn't have a big one and my outfits tended to be well... they didn't pop.

I followed my sister to the car and got in. She had the radio on some celebrity gossip station so I couldn't get my daily morning music. I let out a relieved sigh when we got to school. I escaped the confines of the car and nearly ran to Spencer.

She smiled happily at me and greeted me.

"Oh my god, if I had to listen to another second of what Channing Tatum is doing, and where he is, I was going to explode. I mean, he's hot, but really!"I ranted to my friend.

"Haha, I'll pick you up tomorrow so that you don't have to put up with it. By the way, you're looking exceptionally gorgeous today,"she winked.

I laughed,"Ha, thanks, but I don't roll that way. I prefer to stay on a straight path. Sorry."

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