Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Thirty-Five

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I'm sorry that it is short, but I have had so much hw lately...

Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Thirty-Five


Addison's POV


 I pushed myself away from the hole in the wall, following Tyler's idea nad placing my chair in front of it. I heard the door open to his room, and quite whispering. There was no violence or yelling. leading me to believe that it was Tanner, the guy that helped me on the first day.

Suddenly the door closed, followed by my door creaking open to reveal the guy with the electric green eyes. He gave me a small smile and closed the door behind him, leaving us in what I hope is a private situation.

"Hey,"he said steppind forward, tray of food in hand.

"Hi,"I said quickly, grabbing the food from him and staring at it hungrily.

He gave me an amused look as I started to shove the roll and soup down my throat. Tanner was right when he said that they were cutting our food down. I didn't get lunch today and I only got half of a muffin. I have already lost about five pounds, so they are getting to their goal.

When I was finished, he took the tray back and stood in front of me.

"Be careful about the hole,"he said with a smirk,"If the boss sees it, he will make your situation ten times worse."

"I will, even though I don't see how it can get any worse. I am being seperated from my one true love, and pretty much starved. Then in a couple of weeks, I will be put in 'the show'. Which I can only help to assume is having my boyfriend and your druggy gang watch him rape me,"as I said it my voice cracked and tears spilled from the corners of my eyes.

"This is why I didn't tell you. Please don't cry,"he whispered, a pained look in his bright eyes.

"This is why you didn't tell me? That just left my imagination to do all of the work. What I just told you is the more realistic and less painful of them. There is also the version where I get raped, then watch Tyler get raped, and then I get slowly tortured until I die of pain or blood loss,"I screeched.

"Shhh, shhh. You have to be quiet or the boss will come see what's up."

"I'm sorry. I-it's just t-that I'm afraid," a steady stream of tears had now started to wash down my face and onto my torn and bloody Dorothy dress that I was still being forced to wear. My heels were situated in the corner.

"I understand, but do you not have any faith that Tyler will get you out of here?"

I gave a humorless laugh,"I'll give it to you, he is strong, determined, and has a spirit of gold, but he isn't superman. It would take a miracle to get us out now."

"Who says a miracle won't happen? Do you beleive in God?"he asked.

I shook my head in amusement,"What makes you think that we know each other well enough to be asking such personal questions?"

"I just-"he started but I cut him off.

"I'm kidding. Of course I believe in God. What do you think has been keeping me going all this time?  It's just that miracles don't just happen to anybody. I'm just not sure that I am deserving of such a high-quality thing. I've commited my share of sins. Jealousy, cussing, and lying to name a few."

"You are deserving of everything positive. I barely know you, but I already know how wonderful you are."

"You are probably just repeating what Tyler said. He is so sweet, It hurts me to see him all beat up and battered,"I wringed my wrists thinking of the pain inflicted on my baby.

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