Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Thirty

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We made it to chapter thirty! Becasue I am so happy, despite the fact that no one commented on the last chapter, I have decided to make this chappie from Tyler's POV! Enjoy!

WARNING: Not Edited!

Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Thirty


Tyler's POV

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Spencer, Addison, and I made our way inside of the school. I know that Addison is having a mini freak-out inside, so I'm doing my best to comfort her, giving her hand squeezes and shooting her reassuring looks.

The people converged around us at once. My stomach clenched at the thought of having to lie to all of these people, and my the look on Addi's face, she felt the same way. The people threw their questions at us, not really caring about our wellfare, but looking for some juicy gossip.

We answered the first few people who's questions consisted of: 'Where were you guys?', 'Did you elope?', 'Are you pregnant?', and much more. Most of the questions astounded me. What did Addison being pregnant have to do with Spencer.

The gossip that spreads while you are gone can be extremely atrocious. Thankfully, we seemed to make it simmer down as we all told them our story, backing each other up. We reassured them that we weren't married and nobody was pregnant.

After all of them had been told to spread the news, we all sighed in relief.

"That was close,"Addison frowned, her brow furrowed in frustration,"Do you think everything will get settled?"

"Everything will work out fine,"I promised, giving her a smile.

She couldn't help, but smile back. Then Spencer chose to give her two cents,"That went well."

"We don't need any feedback from the cheap seats,"I smirked and she gave me her best glare.

We just stood there for a minute before the bell rang. We gave Spencer a farewell and Addison and I walked to our homeroom. The room was already mostly full, so we were forced to sit closer to the front than usual. I didn't mind, but Addison seemed to have a problem with it.

"What's wrong?"I finally asked her.

She huffed,"Now everyone will be able to notice us easier, including the teacher. Then I'm going to have to lie not only to the class, but the teacher, too."

I gave her an easy laugh, hoping to calm her nerves,"Just let me do all of the talking, baby."

If the laugh didn't ease her nerves, then the nivkname did. She relaxed her tense shoulders and an easy smile fell upon her adorable face. I don't know how long it will take before I stop feeling a tinbling sensation all through me when she gives me that loving look that adorns her face right now. Probably forever.

The late bell rang and in walked our teacher. Like Addison anticipated, he asked us about our absence. I easily told the story in the complete silence that fell upon the class, all of my fellow peers leaning forward in their seats with anticipation. Apparently everyone wanted to know about the popular hot guy, his girlfriend, and where they were for the last couple of days.

By third period, my brain was about to explode. Not only was I getting sick of repeatedly lying, but I was anxious with Addison away from my side. Even though I knew that one of the guys was watching her, I still felt nervous and on edge.

At lunch time, I breathed a sigh of relief as I strutted towards the lunch table where Addison, Spencer, and Mark sat. I gave them a tight smile and sat down next to Addi. Then I pulled my lovely, smiling girlfriend into my lap and wrapped my arms around her protectively. She leaned into me on instinct.

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