"The building is going to close minutes from now."

A middle-aged man, sitting at the counter, said, eyeing him from head to toe, and suddenly stops as he saw the letter.

"N-no. Just, please give me a minute, sir." Jimin forwarded, eager to ask for help at the moment. "Please. Just this time. It is something important."

The man paused, nodded slowly, as if he understands what is the hurry about. The expression in Jimin's face were evident. His eyes moved frantically, needing for answers now and his hands and lips, shivered, in constant need of information. He indeed was desperate enough.

"What do you need?" The man asked.

"I-I received a letter this morning." Jimin explained, showing the paper. "None of the details of the address is here. Just the letter."

"I needed it."

This time, Jimin was now at the counter, resting his elbow and nearing the letter to the man.

"If it isn't there, it isn't there." The man sternly answered, taking glimpse of the sender's name.

"That means, the sender doesn't want you to know where she is or it's just a matter of privacy."

"She's my girlfriend."

Jimin pressed, unexpecting to let the words escape from his mouth. His bold demeanor has finally faltered. His hand trembled in the process of holding the only anchor he had to reach her. Jimin closed his eyes. Breathed deeply, fighting the urge to cry in front of a worker. And opened them.


He pleased.

"I-I will do anything. I will pay you, if that's what you want. Just give me—tell me a detail of the address. Just give me a clue. Please."

Kneeling on his knee was never his idea but he had no choice. The bearing on his shoulder was too heavy not to notice it. He will do everything to find Jeongyeon. Even it takes long, Jimin will find her. Tell her it's gonna be okay. To fix the past and correct the future.

"I will do anything you want. Anything you want."

He furtherly persisted.

Seconds after, the man hissed a long sigh.

"Aigo, I've never seen someone beg as if their life depends on it." He left shortly and returned with a card in his finger.

"This is the address." He explained and gave him. "This is only between the two of us, okay? I am not allowed to release information about senders that easily. We have rules here. But it looks like, whoever she is, is really important to you."

Jimin's face lighted. He stood up and read the address. A small smile creeped in his lips.

"Kamsahamnida, ahjussi!" He hugged the man and left in a rush.

Jimin hurriedly drove past the main road, his hands gripping the steering wheel ever so tightly. His heart thumped heavily on his chest, it never stopped. His eyes focused on the road. Lastly, he payed a final gaze at the card.

Suwon, Seoul.


It had been days after his travel and it took him all the effort he needs to find the exact location. Jimin had been locked up inside his car, sitting, plotting his plans in his mind. He's terrified—of what she would say, of what would her expressions be like.

He's scared of what he would see.

This is it, he came all the way here not to waste his time and ability, he came here to see her, to bring her back in his arms. To correct any wrongness that had been done in the past. Jimin loves her still, deep down in his heart, it will never change. He will love her forever and even for eternity.

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