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"the mind flayer , it built it this monster in hawkins,
to stop el and to kill her and pave a way into our world," mike explained as everyone tried to evaluate and understand the current situation.

most of us kids sat on the edge of the fountain, exhausted to say the least,
i wasn't planning to leave robins side until this was over.

the adults were sitting opposite us after their apparently long and treacherous journey across state.

robin fingers were laced with mines as we continued to listen contently, the russians were just one tiny piece of this and i was scared to know the rest.

"and it almost did,
that was just one minuscule piece of it," nancy continued.

"how big is this thing?" hopper questioned about the seemingly terrifying monster.

"it's big thirty feet at least ," jonathan emphasised.

"yeah it sorta um destroyed your cabin," lucas hesitantly told hopper.

"okay so just to be clear this, this big fleshy spider thing that hurt el, it's some sorta gigantic... weapon?"
steve asked.

"yeah," nancy clarified.

"but instead of screws and metal, the mind flayer made its weapon out of melted people..." steve carried on looking for a show of agreement.

"yes exactly," nancy clarified the boys theory again.

"and i thought we were crazy going on about evil russians," i muttered causing glares and stifled laughs to be aimed at me from all sides of the room.

"i- yeah i'm just making sure," steve stuttered at a loss of words the information he just received.

"are we sure this things, it's still out there,
it's still alive?"
joyce questioned concerned.

"el beat the shit out of it but yeah it's still alive," max informed her.

"but if we close the gate again-" will started.

"we cut the brain off from the body!"

"and kill it!"

"i'm sorry but what does billy have to do with all of this?" i asked confused about why my ex's name was brought up so often in the previous conversations we had.

the party looked at eachother, bitting their lips and refusing to say anything with expressions of worry and sadness on their faces.

"well..." i didn't know what to expect, maybe that he was stalking max like last time or they used his car.

"he's the um host," lucas mumbled,

even though 90% of the people here hated him with a passion he was my first love and i wasn't willing to let him go and they know that and they knew how much that would hurt me.

"wh-what, like will last year?" i asked worry laced though my voice.

"well yeah kind of," will agreed.

"so so he'll be fine, hell come out without a scratch on him and um...wont die?" i asked quietly, scared of the answer.

"that's best case scenario yeah," mike said smiling at me.
robin kissed my temple whispering hopeful things to my ear.

my train of worried thought was stopped by murray bauman, a by most most people's definition a mad man, a lunatic, not quite right in the head and well my thoughts of him were no different as he came running towards us.

he pulled out some homemade blue prints of the russian base before starting to explain his plan, which sounded completely ludicrous.

"it's fairly close to the fault room maybe 50 yards,"

"more like 500," erica piped up.

"what you're just gonna waltz in there like it's commie disneyland or something," i stifled a laugh at the girls comment.

"yeah no offence but this plan is insane like even more insane than normal," i added, we were now all hovering over the table to see the map.

"i'm sorry and you two are?" he questioned us looking us up and down.

"erica sinclair,"

"annabelle henderson,"

"and you are?" erica asked sassily.

"murray... bauman," he answered hesitantly.

"ight do it your way bald man but you and you're little chief of police friend are gonna die in the process," i stated raising my eyebrows.

this was the end game

holy shit
im so sorry
schools been a pain n my phones been taken off me a lot
i WILL be updating n that's a promise
no one probs cares about this anymore but yolo
also found out someone is selling this book on amazon these are strange times my friends

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Sep 29, 2019 ⏰

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