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steve sliced open the box as the four of us watched on from next to him.

a metal box was inside, everyone's gazes were fixed on it as it was certainly not chinese food.

steve looked around before opening the box to reveal smoke, all five of us poked our heads closer to see what was there.

it was four containers, all of us looking for something to say out of pure shock

"that's definitely not chinese food," steve stated eventually

"yeah no shit sherlock," i said going to take one of the unknown items to get a closer look.

"hey hey hey, wait i'll do it, maybe you guys should stand back," steve told us pushing me away.

he wanted to keep us safe but dustin was not having any of it.


"just step back okay,"


"step back seriously!"

"if you die, i die,"

steve seemed to have given up fighting the younger boy and just shrugged his shoulders and gave a quick

"can you two hurry up!" i urged not wanting to spend too long there.

he eventually lifted out the glass holder which contained a green slimy material

"holy shit," i whispered.

"what the hell," steve said after me.

"yeah what is that?" robin asked before the sound of rumbling filled our ears.

"was that just me or did the room just move?" dustin asked us looking around

"holy shit, holy shit!" i repeated edging closer to robin.

"booby traps," the youngest girl whispered.

"y'know what let's just grab that and go," robin stated taking the tube.

dustin ran over to open the door "which one do i press erica?"

"just press the damn button nerd," she told him as robin and i tried to put the unknown substance in to her my little pony back pack.

"which one? im pressing the damn
button, okay?" he retorted sounding stressed.

"press open door!" she exclaimed

"i'm pressing open door!"

"just let her do it!" i told them

"out of the way so she can push the button!" robin said as we all walked closer to the panel.

"would you let me just try!" steve said frustrated.

"would you stop!" dustin snapped,

"just open the door!" robin shouted.

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