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"right okay guys what the hell!"

dustin ranted for what felt like hours but realistically was more like ten minutes, we left the bathrooms when a movie finished hoping we would blend in.

"i'm surprised that way easier than i thought," i told him relieved.

"well shit that worked,"

"of course it worked!" dustin scoffed annoyed that we doubted him

"now we just have to get on the bus with the rest of these plebes and home sweet home here we come," he announced as we carried on to walk with the crowd through the fairly empty mall.

"uh dustin, erica," steve started

"mhm," erica replied raising an eyebrow.

"yeah what?" dustin questioned.

"we might not want to go to your houses," he told them.

"why?" dustin asked confused.

"well we might've told them your full names," he admitted quietly.

"what is wrong with you?" dustin asked, looking and sounding scared out his mind.

"dude we were drugged!" i defended.

"so what you give into some commie idiots cause they drug you, wow what kinda weaklings are you!" erica exclaimed.

"exactly you tough it out!" dustin said to us.

"i didn't think you're understanding we couldn't control what we were saying," i told him rolling my eyes at his lack of understanding.

"guys!" robin said interrupting our argument, pointing to the russian men we were avoiding previously.


then the russian guard caught my eye.

"guys we need to run now!" i whisper screamed not trying to gather too much attention.

we ran to the escalators which were out of use, just our luck.

we were frantic looking for a way to escape as the men edged close to us.

"guys down here!" steve said as he got onto his ass and started to slide down the metal opening between them.

as soon as slid down we all started to follow, i know it shouldn't of been my top priority in that moment but as i tried to keep my dress from revealing everything i realised robin was wearing shorts and i was not happy, because on my first day she told me there were no shorts for the ladies uniforms.

anyways back to our regular broadcasting:

the russians trying to kill us, part 17-

the one where we almost die for the second time.

we ran in a frenzy unsure of where to go but steve led us over to a food counter to hid behind, all of us scared for our lives but we sat there for five minutes or so, my heart pounded as i heard the russians walk around us like they were stalking us as prey.

dancing in the dark-robin buckley Where stories live. Discover now