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"that keycard opens the door but unfortunately the russian with this keycard also has a massive gun, whatever is in this room, whatever is in those boxes , they really don't want anyone finding out," dustin informed us.

" there's gotta be a way in," robin stated as we all sat around the table.

finally we invested in two other chairs.

"well y'know i could just take him out," steve said after he blew into his sailor hat,

i snorted at him even having the thought,

steve was good at a lot of things but flirting and fighting weren't there.

"take who out?" robin asked raising her eyebrows.

"the russian guard," he stated like it was obvious.

"no offence but keep to the being the guy with the good hair bud you're doing just fine with that," i told him ruffling his hair making robin laugh .

"what? i sneak up behind him, i knock him out and i take his keycard, it's easy," he explained.

"did you not hear the part about the massive gun?" dustin asked.

"yes dustin i did," steve replied sounding almost hurt.

"and that's why i would be sneaking," he told us mimicking that action with his hand,

robin and i shared a look at what steve was planning to do.

"well please tell me this and be completely honest... have you ever actually won a fight?" dustin asked making me choke on air.

"okay that was one time..." steve said defensively.

"twice," dustin said.

"actually it was more like three i think? you and billy two times, at wills and at that party in january," i suggested thinking about the previous couple of months.

"and jonathan, year prior," dustin added.

"listen that doesn't count," steve told us .

"why wouldn't it? because it looks like he beat the shit out of you," dustin said to him causing me to laugh about the event,
i remembered it as clear as day and often remind stevey about it.

as the two were arguing about the situation robin whispered into my ear "wanna go grab something to eat later, just us two?"

"gladly," i replied smiling, taking her hand.

we held hands so often as it could be perceived as something romantic or friendly.

maybe holding hands was just
our thing.

i was suddenly taken out my love stricken daze by robin running out the shop and taking ALL the tips.

"robin!" steve shouted as we all ran to the window.

"hey robin!"

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