Chapter Thirty Four

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Andrew Smith's POV

I watched her walk inside her house. I saw her pause and knew she was going to turn around, so I backed out of her driveway and drove away.

I'm not exaxtly sure why I'm mad. I don't even know whether her and Mark have something going on. But I think they do. The way she's always apologizing - or attempting to - to Mark. Why should she have to do that? We're back together now...aren't we? I sigh and walk into my house.

"Hey!! You're-" Sam stops when he sees my face. "What the hell happened to you!? Did you get run over by a bus or something!?" Sam exclaims. I just shake my head trudging up the stairs.

"Worse. I got kidnapped by my brother. Good night." I shut the door in his face before he can respond.

Oh. You guys are probably wondering why Sam is at my house so late at night...and why he was up waiting for me instead of my dad. Well I don't live with my dad. I moved out like my brother said. I decided to move in with Sam and he agreed with no hesitation. I don't know what he told his parents think but they didn't object.

I walked over to my bed not bothering to turn on the lights. I climbed into bed. I lay on my back staring up at the ceiling. Jack's words kept replaying in my head. My mom didn't love me more. But then why didn't she say goodbye to Jack? He's her oldest son for crying out loud. Maybe he was lying...he just wanted to get back at me for because I stopped his men from kidnapping Marisa and raping her.


Does she like Mark? What are we now? Do I mean anything to her anymore? I still in her heart?

All these questions swarm in my mind as I drift off. My last thought was,

I love her.

Marisa Johnson's POV

I close the door behind me and turn around to see my mom staring down at me. I jump out of my pants.

"Ah! Mom what the hell??" I yell. My mom raises an eyebrow.

"Language missy." she scolds. I roll my eyes and brush past her. She catches my wrist. I turn my head to look at her and see her crystal blue eyes filled with unshed tears. I got my dad's purple eyes. Lucky me to get reminded of him everytime I look in the mirror. I got my mom's long blonde hair. So I can't really say I look like either one-just both.

My mom pulls me into her. "Oh my poor little baby." she sobs. I pat her back as if she's the one hurt.

"Mom I'm fine. I'll tell you everything in the morning, ok? I need some rest right now. Good night." I break our hug and run up the stairs before she can say anything else.

"I love you!" I hear her yell from the bottom of the stairs.

"Love you too!!" I shout back. I run into my room and lock the door. I jump onto my bed on my belly and bury my face into my pillow. The tears start to spill and before I realize my pillow is drenched in tears.

I lift my head. All of the pain and guilt and hurt I'd bottled up in finally came out onto my pillow. I sniffed and threw my pillow on the floor before laying back down.

I like Andrew so much. He's everything to me and I can't live without him. But how could I have missed Mark? He was there for me through it all and I didn't even realize it because I was too swallowed up in my thought about Andrew.

And now he must hate me because I kissed Andrew in front of him! ....and I kissed Mark in front of Sally.

I groan. How could I be so stupid!!?? I knew Sally liked Mark and yet I still kissed him. Well this is just great. Everyone hates me except probably my mom. Which isn't a really comforting thought.

I roll onto my side and close my eyes. I'll try and make peace tommorow. Right now, all I want to do is...sleeeeeepppp........


I wake with a start. I hear clanging in the kitchen and look at the clock. 2 pm. My mom must have let me sleep in. I swing my legs over the side of my bed and hop off. I'm still in my skin tight black clothes from last night. I walk into my closet and pick out a school sweatshirt I bought last year and a pair of navy sweat pants. I grab my towel, robe, and undergarments along with y clothes and head to the bathroom.

Once there, I turn on the shower and strip down. I step into the hot water and let it run down on me. I feel a stinging sensation and look down at my body. I see a cut mid thigh. It'd not too deep. I frown.

When did I get this? I didn't fight at all. No one touched me. Unless....this must be from before...before Andrew saved me.

But why didn't I notice it before? I shrug and finish my shower. I step and towel off. I walk towards the cabinet/mirror and open it. I take out the first aid kit and treat my wound.

I can't help my mind drifting back to last night, when Mark came the wrong time. I close the first aid kit and put it back. I start to change into my clothes.

Of course this happened to me. If I had only ignored Andrew instead of falling for him none of this would have happened. My camp friends were enough....

Camp friends. Oh no! Austine! I totally forgot about her!! I havn't talked to her since I told her about Andrew....she doesn't even know we broke up! Ohh she is going to hate me! I step out of the bathroom and walk into my room.

I slip on my comfy slippers and start to brush and blow dry my wet hair. Just as I'm unplugging the appliance, the doorbell rings. I hear my mom yell that she got it.

I walk downstairs to find Austine sitting on my couch. My mouth drops and I'm dumbfounded. What is she doing here? Oh who cares?


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