Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen

Andrew Smith's POV

I was kissing her again!Jackpot!! But this feels different than the last wo times. Why isn't she kissing me back? I feel her pushing at my chest. I pull away and look down. Well this is embaressing....

"Andrew stop." she says. I sigh.

"I'm sorry, it's just, I couldn't help myself. And I really wanna be with you. I really like you, Marisa. Please. I know we got off on the bad foot, but can we please start over?? I just want a real relation--" She cuts me off.

"No. I'm sorry Andrew, I would love to start over with you, but not as your girlfriend. We'll have to start off as friends...after what you did..I don't know if I can trust you that easily." She puts her hand on mine and I look into her her beautiful purple eyes. "I'm sorry." I shake my head.

"No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have ever played you like that. I shouldn't have done that to anyone for that matter...." I trail off and feel her intense gaze on me. I look up and she seems to be in deep thought. I furrow my eyebrows.

"What????" I ask her. She snaps out of whatever trance she was in and looks down. I put two fingers under her chin and make her look at me. "You can tell me." I say gently.

"If Sam hadn't come to us and told me about the dare....would you have told me? Like if we started to go out, or something?" she whispers inaudibly. I freeze.

Marisa Johnson's POV

"If Sam hadn't come to us and told me about the dare....would you have told me? Like if we started to go out, or something?" I whisper. I just had to know. What if Sam was never there and it was just us. Would we have been a couple then, without even me knowing that it started off as a dare?? I looked up at Andrew to see him frozen in place, two fingers still under my chin.

"Andrew? Andrew!!" I snap my fingers in front of his face and he blinks a couple of times. He looks down.

"I don't know." If I hadn't been listening for his answer, I probably wouldn't have heard it. I decided to let it go and enjoy the afternoon.

"So...let's start over." I say. I stick out my hand. "Hi, I'm Marisa Johnson." He grins and takes my hand.

"Hey beautiful. I'm Andrew. Andrew Smith." I roll my eyes and laugh at his poor imitation of James Bond.

For the rest of the afternoon, Andrew and I sat on the grass of the park getting to know eachother. Turns out he liked to swim as well as play football. He also liked to dance, but was no good at it. I laughed at that. Maybe he was right, if I just get to know him, maybe I'll like him better.

The sun turned beautiful shades of pink and purple with a little bit of orange, red, and yellow. We were both laying on the grass gazing at the sky. Just then, a thought popped into my head and I sat. Andrew sat up next to me, too.

"What's wrong?" he asks me.

"I just thought of something. We should find a place to hang out, since we're friends now, where no one wil find us. I don't want your reputation ruined because of me." I said. At that he burst out laughing. What the...

"Why are you laughing!?" I ask, bewildered.

"You---you really think---I care---about what---my reputation---would be--if I hang around you--!?" he manages to ask between laughs. I nod and when he sees how serious I am, he abruptly stops laughing and sits up. "Marisa, we are not gonna be friends in secret, alright? I don't give a damn to if they like you or not. You are gonna hang around me and that's final." he says.


"No buts!" he cuts me off. then he grabs my hand and pulls me up. "Come on, we should proabably get going." he says. I nod. I casually let go of his hand, hoping he won't notice. The park is empty now except for a couple of people walking. I sigh.

"Thanks for bringing me here, by the way." He nods.

"No problemo." We get to his car and he opens my door for me. I blush (curse my rosy cheeks!!) and get in. He jogs around to the other side and gets in. Just as we are about to back out, we hear someone honking thier horn at us. We turn around to see the worst sight anyone could ever see. Kayla.

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