Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

Marisa Johnson's POV

I sigh as I walk into the school.

I'm going to regret coming to school today. I just know it. Maybe I should have listened to my mom and agreed to stay home. I still didn't tell her the whole story, but she said to tell her when I'm ready.

I walk to my locker, and who do I see? Andrew, of course, leaning against his own locker and looking around nervously.

And my regret starts now.

I roll my eyes and walk to my locker.

When he sees me he jumps up. "Hey!" he says.

I ignore him and continue to swap books in my locker.

"Look, I'm sorry for what happened at the beach. It wasn't supposed to happen the way it did."

I spin on my heel to face him, my eyes narrowed.

"Oh, yeah. It wasn't supposed to happen that way. I wasn't supposed to find out. You were just supposed to kiss me and then leave me hanging just like you do to every other girl in this school!" My voice starts to rise. "Did you even think about what the girl feels like!? You just lure her in for your own pleasure! We have feelings, too, you know! And I think I'm speaking for others, too, when I say that we hate jerks like you!"

Shock is clear on his face. His eyes are wide and his mouth is hanging open a little.

I push past him and squeeze though the crowd that had formed to get to Calculus.


I step into the classroom to find a bunch of eyes on me.

Was I really that loud?

I shrug to myself and keep walking to my seat.

I have to admit, I'm surprised I said all of that, too. I guess everything that had been bottled up in me since what happened on the beach finally made its way out.

I suddenly freeze when I see him walk into the classroom and take a seat next to me.

I groan internally. This is going to be one long class.

Andrew Smith's POV

"And I think I'm speaking for others, too, when I say that we hate jerks like you!" she screams.

I was shocked. I never thought she'd be the one to draw a crowd...or turn on me. I should have seen it coming, though.

She looks around at everybody whispering and staring at the two of us. Then, she pushes past me and squeezes through the crowd.

I shake my head to clear my thoughts and sigh.

The people around me look at me expectantly.

"What the hell are you staring at! There's nothing to see here! Scram!" I yell through anger.

They hurry away, and I trudge to Calculus and take a seat next to Marisa. I see her body go stiff and feel the tension around us.

I sigh.

Just as the teacher comes in, the phone rings.

"Uh huh. Ok." He puts the phone down and says the words I never thought I'd hear.

"Miss Johnson, to the principal's office."

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