Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

Marisa Johnson's POV

"Miss Johnson, to the principal's office," Mr. Melon says.

I snap my head up from my book with a horrified look on my face.

What did I do? Why am I, of all people, going to the principal's office? Is it because I made all of that commotion in the hallway? That wasn't supposed to happen! They just all came to see what happened! It wasnt my fault.

I get up from my seat and walk out of the classroom, everyone's eyes on me.

All the way to the principal's office, I think of possible reasons as to why I was called down. I can't believe I already got a detention and got sent to the principal's office in just the first two days of school!

I reach the door to the office and gulp. I push the door open and walk up to the secretary. She smiles at me.

"Um, I was called to the principal's office?" I say, more like a question. It's still a question to me.

"Oh, yes! Just walk right in, dear!" And with that, she goes back to her computer.

I hesitate before walking in. When I finally do, I close the door behind me and face the principal.

"Hello, Marisa! Please take a seat," Mrs. Silverstone, the principal, says.

I hesitate. Should I apoligize for whatever I did, or should I wait?

Through my trail of thoughts, I hear laughter.

"Don't look so scared, now. You're not in trouble."

I sighed in relief. "I'm not?" I ask.

She shakes her head.

I then notice that there's another person sitting in the room with us. He doesn't look familiar-I haven't seen him around school, before.

He notices me staring at him and smirks.

I blush and turn back to the principal.

"No, I called you because I need your help. This is Mark Winter. He's new here," she explains. "I would like for you to show him around school."

"But we dont have the same classes," I say.

She smiles. "I have made his schedule identical to yours," Mrs. Silverstone answers. "Starting now, I want you to show him around, and you know, just get him familiarized with the school."

I shrug my shoulders. "Ok." I look at Mark. He seems to be a jock-someone who will fit easily in to the popular crowd. He has everything you need to be in it. He's cute, muscular, hot (really hot), and...he sees me staring at him.


I look away and blush.

"Great! Now, I'm going leave you in here for a couple of minutes to get to know eachother, while I go get his papers and books ready," Mrs. Silverstone says as she gets up and walks out the door, closing it behind her.

I roll my eyes. What are we in? Kindergarten?

I look at Mark.

He looks back.

I clear my throat. "Hey."


"I'm Marisa Johnson."

"I'm Mark Winter."

I nod, and we shake hands.

"So, um, where did you come from?"

He smirks. "I'm pretty sure my mom's stomach."

I roll my eyes, but I can't help the smile tugging at my lips. "I mean, where did you live before you came here?"


My eyes widen. "California? Really? I vacation there with my family every summer!"

He nods his head and smiles. "Cool! Where do you vacation?"


He nods. "Same. I lived there, I mean."

Just then, the principal walks in and hands Mark some papers. "You two may go to class, now."

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