Chapter Three

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-Andrew Smith-

I watch her as she turns beet red and sits back onto her chair. I laugh. She looks so cute when she blushes. I would totally bang her if it weren't for that stupid dare. I make a mental note to once I accomplish my task this afternoon...after her detention, of course.

She gives me a death glare, as if reading my thoughts.

I send her a smirk before turning back to the board. I tune out Melon Head and think about why I invited her in the first place.

I wouldn't have even sat next to her, let alone talked to her, if it weren't for Sam...


"Yo, Andrew! Pass it here!" Sam yells to me.

I throw him the football. We (my best friend, Sam Millard, and I) are playing football in my backyard. I decide to take a break, so I go and sit on the back porch steps.

Sam catches up to me and sits down, panting.

There are only a couple of days left before summer is over, and I plan on enjoying every minute of it.

"So, how's Rebecca?" Sam asks me.

I give him a questioning look.

"Who's Rebecca?" I ask back.

Sam gives me an exasperated look, then shakes his head.

"Rebecca's your girlfriend, remember?" he replies.

"I have a girlfriend?"

Sam gives me an 'are you serious?' look.

"What? How am I supposed to know I have a girlfriend?"

He raises his eyebrows at me, and I think about what I said. "Wait, that came out wrong..."

Sam sighs yet again. "Rebecca is that girl you slept with right before school ended. You said you really liked her," he explains.

Something sparks in my mind. "Ohhh, Rebecca...I remember her now! Yeah, I don't like her anymore. Turns out she's not as great in bed as she says she is." I shake my head to show him my disappointment.

Suddenly, Sam's eyes widen, which is never good, because that's the look he gets when he's thinking about something. And nothing good ever happens when Sam Millard thinks.

I scoot away from him. "Sam...? What are you thinking about?" I almost don't want to know.

"I'm thinking about a dare that you will be dying to do!" he exclaims. I see where he's going with this.

"Who is it? Actually I don't care. Just tell me who it is!" I exclaim.

His smirk widens even more. "Actually this dare is a little less's more about your reputation..." he trails off.

I cock my head to the side as if to say: what the hell are you talking about?

"This dare will prove how much of a man you are," he continues.

I roll my eyes. "Just tell me already," I reply, getting impatient.

Sam smirks at me. "I dare you to kiss Marisa Johnson."

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