Ramen || Chanlix

8.6K 143 22

Words: 714
Ship:  Chanlix
Relationship:  Friends of friends, turn potential Boyfriends (?)
Warnings:  Foul Language, Disrespect, speak of Insomnia
Suggested song: Colbie Caillat- Bubbly

{Requested by: RmLover94 }


Chan woke up that to the cold crisp air of his apartment. He and his friends had plans to study at a café near their college today. He wrapped up in is blanket savoring the warmth. He knew he was running late, because he'd slept passed his alarm and had 2 missed calls from Jisung but he wasn't in any rush. After a few minutes he finally got up and started getting dressed.

Chan wore his black doc martins, black ripped jeans and a grey sweater. He left his hair the way it was, he liked the messy look of it and he brushed his teeth before grabbing his backpack and heading out.

It was the beginning of Fall, but college was already swarming and swamping the music majors with work. He walked into the small café, it was packed full of students, couples and in the corner sat Changbin and Jisung, both of their faces in either a laptop or nose glued to a homework assignment.

"Hey fellas." He said sitting down. Jisung looked up at him.

"You overslept again Chan. And you ignored my calls. How late did you stay up last night?" Jisung asked worriedly.

"Han don't grill him." Changbin said.

"No, no Changbin it's fine. I stayed up until... 3-ish give or take?" Chan said, nervously giggling. "I tried sleeping for hours, I couldn't turn my body off!"

Jisung rolled his eyes, but patted the boys shoulder sympathetically. "Well we ordered ramen for you, you're lucky to have us y'know?" Jisung chuckled.

"Yeah I know, and I love you guys." Chan gushed, unpacking his bag. He started reading the worksheet he'd been given. Jisung was working on a project, on song editing and Changbin was taking a small break from his studying. The boys had a small speaker set up, loud enough to cancel out the white noise but not loud enough to disturb people around them.

Chan was so preoccupied that he didn't notice his food was delivered and as consequence it sat there for 30-ish minutes, getting cold. Chan was broken from his thoughts of music theory and studying when a deep voiced boy started talking.

"Hey uh are you gonna eat this, no? Ok." The boy grabbed Chan's ramen and walked off.

"Uh- HEy!" Chan exclaimed as the boy sat down and started eating HIS ramen. Chan heard Jisung and Changbin laughing. Did they know this kid? "Excuse me, that is mine. All mine, you can't have it. return it please." Chan said sitting across from the boy.

"Good job Lix." Jisung semi shouted to the boy.

The boy looked dead into Chan's eyes and licked the bowls rim. "I licked it so it's mine." 'Lix' laughed.

"But you didn't pay for it asshole!" Chan said, frantically, he wanted to get his ramen from this cute- no this very not nice boy.

"Neither did you ... Jisung payed for it." Lix laughed.

His laugh is adorable... Chan thought, getting distracted.

"Y'know what-" Chan grabbed the bowl or ramen to take back to his seat, but the cold ramen was sadly half eaten and cold, which was no good. He weighed his options and let the Lix boy keep it. He sulked back to his chair, where Changbin and Jisung where laughing.

Felix watched from afar. Chan seemed really upset... Which he didn't mean to do. He just wanted to impress his new friend, Jisung. Feeling like a ass, Felix went and ordered a new bowl for the boy.

"H-hey...I'm sorry." Felix said, handing Chan the new bowl. Chan's eyes lit up. as He grabbed the hot bowl.

"Oi hot potato hot Potato hot, hot ,hot." Chan hissed, Which made Felix laugh. Felix pulled a chair around and sat.

"I'm Lee Felix.. I'm new-ish here, I came from Australia! Who are you?" The boy asked excitedly.

"Uh...I'm Christopher Bang... or Just Chan. I- I'm also from Australia, but I've lived in Korea for about 8 years." Chan explained. The boys both smiled.

"Well I hope to uh see you around." Felix said, handing the boy a paper with his number on it, before standing up and pushing his chair in.

"Hey, hey, hey. Don't' be doing any gay shit, there's kids around." Jisung said jokingly.


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