Twenty One: Never will

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Asher POV

Typical, she's out like a light...

I shake my head...

Well damn

I thought she would have taken it better.

"Maybe we rushed into it or something" I ask the group

"Oh please, you dropped enough hints  for a toddler to get it. She just didn't want to believe it." Odessa answers

Lucien runs a hand through his hair in exasperation "She isn't going to take this well, Dasha will never accept being a Princess." He says

"Heck I can't even accept it" he releasesd a deep sigh "I can't......" he suddenly looks up  "And Felix is the famous Kavaleer Prince of Ravkah!" He shakes his head in disbelief.

"Why is that so hard for you to believe?" Cole asks curiously

"Dasha I can believe, she has always had something about her that demanded, no, commanded attention" Lucien says "But Felix is just....he's too... I don't know. Not princely enough"

What is that supposed to mean?


Dasha stirs from where she lays on the deck.



I slowly regain consciousness, everything blurs slightly and I don't want to wake up.

I don't want to face the reality of my situation

I didn't ask for any of this!

I didn't ask for my parents to die
I didn't ask Arcus to take me in

I didn't ask for Asher to find me

I didn't ask to become Felix's friend, only for him to be ripped from me.

And I most definitely didn't ask to be born a princess, and heir to the throne of Shabina at that.

I am not a Princess!

And I Never will be.

I may have been born a princess but I am far from a princess now, nothing can change my mind.

I will Never rule Shabina....

"Dahlia are you alr--"

"Don't call me that!" I snarl at Odessa as I sit up, everyone visibly flinches.

"And let's get one thing straight, I will never be Dahlia Angelina Catalina Cashore! If she really is me...then she's dead." I seethe

Because I didn't escape one prison to go to another, and besides, I am not fit to rule. It's not true anyway, the real Dahlia still needs to be found.

Because she is not me!

"Dah--..... I mean Dasha, you can't mean that" Asher says silently, the wind ruffling his dark curls as he looks at me with sad eyes.

"You are the ONLY remaining heir to the throne of Shabina. Without you the kingdom will die!!" His grey eyes search mine desperately, almost pleadingly.

"Do you not understand this, does this not bother you?"

"No" I say as coldly as I can, and it's not hard...because I am literally empty inside.

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