Twenty: Pain & Answers

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Dasha POV

I don't know what is happening, I can vaguely register the fact I'm being carried but I can't seem to grasp consciousness.

Everytime I reach for it I seem to slip again....

So I don't fight it, let it take me.

What do I have to live for anyway.

There is nothing left, no one left.

I hope I die.


"Why am I still alive" I ask fifteen year old Felix as we sit on the roof top of the Keep watching the sun set

"What do you mean Dasha"

"Someone as evil as me should be dead, Arcus should do this world a favor and just kill me instead of beating me"

Felix visibly stiffens in response "Why would you even say that!" He looks at me with glaring eyes, his jaw clenching, he almost looks hurt.

"Because it's true! Nobody would even care if I die! So what's the point of existing if my life only brings death" my voice trembles slightly, and I can feel tears brimming my eyes.

Felix remains quiet, and I know I'm right. We sit in silence for a few minutes just watching the fading rayes of the sun, but I can't truly enjoy it as tears blur my vision.

"I'd care..." Felix abruptly mumbles, and I blink away tears and stare at him. He stares at the fading sun intently, the sun casting a golden hue on his bronze features.

"I'd miss you...I'd miss you Dasha" he all but murmurs, his voice nothing but a whisper in the wind.

"If you were gone..." Felix runs a hand through his hair in frustration "Dasha who do we have if not each other" he turns to look at me, his vibrant green eyes hold such intensity, such raw ferocity it takes my breath away.

I sit there and just ponder what he said.

"We should always have each others backs" I suddenly say as I lay on my back on the roof, I use my arms as a pillow.

He gives me a crooked smile, twisted to one side, lopsided and goofy.

"For sure, we will be the unstoppable assassin team" he adds

"Men will tremble at our feet" I add with a giggle

"I'll make you a crown of pure gold,and you can be my Assassin Queen" his green eyes twinkle and I can hear the smile in his voice.

I laugh "For what is a King without his Queen" Felix adds as he leans over me, till all I see is him, till all I see is his golden tousled hair and searching gaze...till he becomes my very world.

"Sounds like a plan Felix" I say dreamily, feeling utterly content, and for a second I forget who I am, what I am.

"Shake on it?" I ask tentatively.

Felix remains quiet as he seems lost in something as he stares at me with an odd look—one I've never seen before— as though he's found something he's searched an eternity for in my eyes, and I can't help but squirm slightly as a slight flush creeps up my neck.

"Here is to having each others back" he says finally, his soft voice holding secrets I suddenly want to spend the rest of my life discovering, as we shake hands

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