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Kevin Pov

The world is spinning, as I opened my heavy eyelids. Slowly I shifted my aching body into a sitting position. Was I hit by a train, f*^k. As I eased up a wet cloth fell from my forehead, and I noticed a ... sock-head.

Why's he sleeping in a chair next to me his head on the side of my bed. I heard his near silent breathing. How long was I out for? I only remember bits and pieces of the last time I woke up. I remember puking... A LOT. Then I remember feeling cool and for some reason I remember Double D. I definitely better from the last time I woke up. Carefully I picked myself off the bed because I need to use the bathroom, but I accidentally must've hit Double D or something because he jumped up like he saw a monster clutching his hat. Eyes wide and crazed with fear.

After a second of looking around the room, he spotted me standing at the edge of my bed. His expression melted from fearful to happy. The dork jumped out of the chair into my arms, laughing in relief. "You're better! Kevin you have no idea how worried me and your father have been. Never ever do that again unless you want me to personally bury you." he nagged.

I smiled and answered, "Come on, give me some credit" I immediately go into a coughing fit. Damn my voice hurts. Double D seems too be prepared though as he produced a water bottle out of nowhere somehow. I gratefully take it from him and chug the bottle down.

"How long have I been out?" I ask. Shooting the bottle weakly at the garbage can.

"You've been sick for a few days the last time you've gotten up was two days ago when you were puking into the upstairs bathroom." Two days, holy cow I must have been knocked out bad. I can still feel the aches throughout my body. I rubbed my crusty eyes as I made my way to the bathroom, Double D left with me heading towards the kitchen though.

Why is he so nice? Wait isn't it like 1'o clock on a school day. Did the nerd take a day off for me? Man, I really regret bullying him as a kid. I should've kept a closer tie on him maybe he would've stopped hanging with his so called friends. Though the three were loyal to each other.

I washed my face and did my business leaving the bathroom, heading back to my room. I'm still a little dizzy from the fever. I flopped onto the bed which now cool from nobody to keep it warm. Pulling out my phone I looked through my social media. No one asked where I have been or if I was okay except Natt. At least I know he somewhat cares for me. He first sent a bunch of jokes and memes but his last text had nothing. No joke, no emoji, it even had caps and a period. He was clearly worried so I took this opportunity to text back I was sick and that I'd see him to. Natt texted back immediately asking me what I was sick with. How long I'd be gone, how sick I was, did I need anything.

I guess I should tell him everything going on with Double D. But maybe I should tell him in person... later. Though I don't want Nat to go near him he's such an open flirt... What am I even thinking? I scrolled through YouTube watching some funny videos. I usually don't get this much free time, it's strange. I was disturbed when Double D opened the door carry a small tray in his small hands.

In the small tray was a bowl of candy, fruit and water. "Kevin you must take your pills so you must eat up. I brought easy to eat sweet food I thought you might like so here. The medicine tastes quite bland thus I brought candy as well." Edd said as he took the medicine out of my nightstand. I stared at his cute little- wait what am I thinking? Something must be wrong with me. I slowly at the fruit given to me. It was mostly soft fruits but it was a little hard to swallow maybe, Edd already knew that's why he gave me a glass of water and soft foods. I finished most of the bowl of fruit, if glimpses of pain were seen neither of us talked about it.

Getting a closer look at Double D, I saw his porcelain white skin, his big blue eyes, his small nose. He looked beautiful. Wait what the hell am I thinking? A bright blush bloomed on my face as I turned the other way. He's too nice for his own good. Not to mention weak, he even used to be taller than me when we were kids. What changed? Taking quick glances I noticed the dark rings under his eyes, the fading bruises on his arms. He always wore long sleeves but, today he's rolled them up. What the hell? Did someone hurt him? Was it his uncle? Aunt? Another bully? I'm gonna beat up their ass for touching my dork.

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