She mumbled through her tears. "I'm about to die, and for some reason, I feel really shitty." 

"Oh!" Zayn exclaimed. "That's because of these." He pulled out apack of cigarettes. "You're kind of addicted. Here." He gave her one. "Have one."  

"I don't have a lighter." Hope said, shocked. 

Zayn laughed. "2014 Hope does. Look in the that drawer." he pointed to a drawer near her, which turned out to be filled with lighters. 

"If Blaine say me do this, he'd kill me." She said, as she lit it. 

"About Blaine..." Zayn trailed off. 

Hope sighed. "Please don't tell me we hate each other now." 

"He died eight years ago." 

Hope snorted, tears still in her eyes. "This is fucking unreal." 

Zayn sighed, and hugged her, surprised when she didn't flinch away. Then he remembered. This was a thirteen year old version of his girlfriend. One that wasn't broken, one that still had hope (lmao) in this world. One that wasn't afraid of love. So, he pulled her closer, stroking her back (lmao i almost said hair) and held her as tight as he could. 


Hope was still lost next week, although she had gotten close to her "boyfriend". He had made her feel comfortable with this new life. When he had told her she was to guest dj on Ellen all week, she had taken it as far as giving him a kiss on the cheek, which was not enough for either of them. Zayn was missing his war-torn Hope with an extra ten years of bad jokes and experience. This Hope was new, and confused. Hope had liked Zayn since the first time she had seen him. And he was so nice to her, caring for her, buying her cigs, even though he must be missing his Hope. She desperately wished she could remember, but it was pointless. She was lost. 

The first day Hope was supposed to dj, Zayn helped Hope get dressed. This Hope was rich, as apparent from the many wigs (most silver, but some pastel) that she had. Zayn had brought her an outfit from his house, where she assumed she had also lived. 

"What's my favourite song?" Hope asked, as she threw her new shirt on (she was comfortable around Zayn). 

Zayn laughed, as he grabbed a short, pastel green wig. "pretty sure you changed it everyday. But I think the last song you said you liked was-" 

He was cut off by her kissing him. As heavenly as it felt to have the love of his life back in his arms, he knew it was wrong. She was thirteen, for fuck's sake's! Pushing her away softly, he sighed. 

"Oh god I'm so sorry." Hope murmured. 

Zayn shook his head, awkwardly laughing. "Honestly, I'm just sorry I can't kiss you back. I miss you, a lot. But you're thirteen years old right now." He shook his head. "I just can't." 

Hope nodded. "I understand. Are we still okay?" 

Zayn smiled back at her. "Of course. I will love you in every goddamned form. Even this one." 

Hope blushed, and put on the wig. "Ready to go!" 

"You didn't put on any makeup." Zayn pointed out.

"Hope wears makeup?" 

Zayn laughed. "Hope is a makeup artist. But I'm pretty sure you taught Haz how to do your makeup. Just a second." He backed up to the door, while smiling at her. "Harry!" 

"Is Hope back?" Harry ran in frantically, hair disheveled, as he looked around the room with a crazed look on his face. "Hope!" He yelled, pulling her into a bone crushing hug. 

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