Chapter 23

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Finding one of the members of one of the most famous boyband alive is surprisingly not as easy as it seems. Especially in Florida. Especially when you have four boys freaking out. All of which Hope had.


"Liam. Calm down."


"You're giving Hope a panic attack!"


"Hope. Calm down. See what you did?"

"Shut up Zayn!"

"Fuck off Louis. He'd still be here if it wasn't for you and your stupid beard."


"Really? So you didn't full on make out with your best friend half an hour ago?"

"Fuck off Hope. Go back to panicing."

"Don't talk to my girlfriend like that!"

"Wait, what?!"

"Seriuosly? You didn't know they were shagging, Liam?"


Louis blinked, stunned at this. "Why the hell would you blame this me?"

"YOU BROKE HIS FUCKING HEART!" Liam screamed, launching himself at Louis. "I FUCKING HATE YOU!" Liam ended up on top of Louis, throwing expert punches at Louis's face. The crunch of a nose could be heard, as blood started coming out of Louis's nose.

"GET OFF OF HIM!" Hope yelled, the only person who seemed to be able to move or speak. She grabbed Liam, pulling him off Louis, Liam still throwing punches. His elbow went back again, hitting Hope's nose. Another crunch could be heard, as Hope fell back, landing in Zayn's arms, who seemed to remember how to move the second that Hope got hurt.

Zayn picked Hope up, glaring at Liam. "What the fuck, Liam?!?" He sputtered out. "We're best mates! Why would you hurt us?!" He held Hope up with one hand, using the other to throw a punch at Liam's nose, causing another bloody nose and some bloody knuckles.

"Oh my god." Niall whispered, looking at Louis's nose, then at Hope's, both had blood running out of them. "What happened to us?"

Hope pushed Zayn off of her, and stood back up. The blood was running down her neck now, bruises were forming. "Liam." She said quietly. She walked towards him, shakily, grabbing his shaking body, and pulling him into a hug, her feet almost leaving the ground as she reached up, his head on her neck. "I need you to breathe." She felt him take a ragged breathe. "We're your family. We love you, and you love us."

Liam let out a sob, as he threw his arms around her, crushing her. Hope tried not to panic as she was held close to him. "I'm so sorry." He sobbed out.

Niall was using his jacket as a towel, wiping the blood off of Louis. "Someone needs to find Harry." He said, finally talking.

Hope nodded, hugging Liam once more before shrugging out of his grasp. "I'll go." She whispered.

Zayn looked at her, grabbing his leather jacket and putting it on. "I'm going too."

Hope shook her head. "You, Liam, and Louis all need to go to the Doctor. I will not have three hurt boys."

"Hope." Niall said. "Your nose is bleeding."

"Oh." She touched her lips, where she now tasted blood, and saw the red liquid. "Well, I've had worse. Niall, can you drive them?"

He nodded. "What do I say happened?"

"The doctors have to be confidential. Tell them what happened. Refrain from talking to anyone else." She said, grabbing her coat. "Please be safe."

"Hope!" Zayn yelled. "Your nose!"

"I've had worse babe!" She yelled back, before turning back. She grabbed the collar of his jacket, yanking him down to her level, and kissed him. It was almost two minutes before she released him, breathing hard. "Be safe. Please."

And with that, she left.


Harry Styles had now realized that nobody ever came to parks anymore. Especially not in Florida. They were all at the pools, enjoying a winter vacation. Which reminded him, that meant it was close to the time when he would get to go home and see his mum for Christmas. And Louis's mum.


Why had he done that? Why did he have to kiss Louis? Why did Louis kiss him back? Was he really disgusting?

He groaned. Why did people have to be so complicated?

"Boy troubles?" A voice rang from behind him. Harry whipped his head around, to see Hope bundled up, with a bloody nose.

"How did you find me?" He asked, still looking at the dripping blood. He hated blood. He hated hurt. So why did he fall in love with his best mate?

She shrugged, and sat down beside him on the bench. "I just followed the smell of hormones, sadness, and really cheap-ass cologne."

Harry laughed, and sideways hugged her. She let him. She put her head on his shoulder. "Everyone was worried."

Harry snorted, not moving his arm from around her. "Yeah right. I'm pretty sure Louis was jumping for joy."

"Actually, Louis couldn't really jump. He was too busy trying to say alive."

"What?!?" Harry looked sharply at Hope, trying to decide of she was joking or not. She was squinting at the beach across from them.

"You know, I always hated beaches. Also warm weather. I was hoping it would be cold here. Hence the coat." She snuggled into him. "It is comfy though."

"Hope. What happened?"

She sighed, and looked up at him. "Liam went full on Hulk. One second he was freaking out, saying that you could have already boarded a plane, an the next thing you know, he's on the floor with Louis under him, and he's punching the shit out of him."

"Are you serious?!" Harry gasped.

She nodded. "I pulled him off and it back fired, as you can see from the bloody nose. And then Zayn got mad, and punched Liam in the face. And now they're all driving to the Hospital for what I think is two broken noses and a broken knuckle or two."

"That's crazy."

She nodded again. "Pure crazy. And sad too."

Harry cocked his head. "How so?"

She looked up at him, tears in her eyes. "I watched three best friend try to kill each other while one watched helplessly, and one who had disappeared. What the hell happened?"

"Honestly, we need you."

"You do need some hope."

"Also, you are the one person who can talk to any of us."

She laughed. "It comes naturally."

"Your dad must have been the same." He commented.

Immediately, she stiffened. "Not really."

"What's he like?" Harry plowed deeper.

"Don't really know. I haven't seen him in three years."

"Oh." He said. "I'm sorry."

She shrugged. "Don't be. Actually, do be. Be sorry that you ran out on us like that."

"I'm horrible, I know."

"You're not horrible." She smiled, and stood up, holding out her hand to him. "You're still a child. You're still learning violet from lavender. It's okay."

He smiled back, and took her hand.

"Now let's get you back home."

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