Chapter 12: Confessions

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"Hello beautiful people of the Interweb!!" I yelled, smiling into my camera. "Today has been a very busy day for me, so I thought I'd come home, relax, and watch an old horror movie. Buuuut da peeps I now live with have decided to play music very loudly as you can tell from the Lana Del Ray now playing in the background." I smiled, and moved so my viewers could see the Living Room complete with old pizza boxes and dirty socks.

"So instead of getting nice, refreshing, good ol sleep, I decided to TwitCam y'all instead because I know you probably have a lot of questions about my new life and shit. So let the questioning commence!" I said, squealing and spinning around on Louis' office chair.

Imediately, there were a million tweets coming in, asking me random things.

"Whoa guys calm down. I'll try to answer all the questions just give me a bit of time to-"

"Shut up Niall!!" Louis screamed from the next room. "I get to be player one!!"

I turned back to the screen, alarmed at the already growing list of tweets and trends about One Direction and Hoperella.

I chuckled nervously. "Sorry about that. So anyway, HopesHair asks, if you could be any celebrity for the day who would it be?? Well HopesHair, excellent question, I think it would have to be someone really cool like-"

Two voices cut in on me, causing me to sigh.

"Louis you can't just throw a banana peel at me I was in the lead!!" Niall yelled, obviously pissed.

"I DON'T CARE, I LOVE IT BITCH." Louis replyed, screaming at the top of his lungs.

I sighed, turning around, not caring about the viewers anymore. "WOULD YOU BOTH SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTHS. I HAVE BEEN HERE ONE DAY AND ALREADY I WANT TO STRANGLE BOTH OF YOU." I screamed back. "This is why we can't have nice things." I finished quieter, huffing out.

There was silence as I stared at the door for a few minutes, before Niall peeked his head through the door. "We love you Hope." He said smiling innocently.

I turned back the screen, my eyes widening as I read some of the comments.

"Wait, are Niall and Hope dating?!?!"

"Holy fuck I KNEW ITTTTT."

"I ship it!!"


"No #Hiall!!"





"That'sitfortodayfolksseeyoulater!!" I shouted, hastily, shutting the camera off, before promptly falling back into my chair. "I'm fucked." I whispered. "Dead. Done. Might as well delete my channel right now."

"Wait, what??" Niall said. "Did I do something that was wrong??"

I sighed and smiled sadly at him. "It wasn't your fault. I'm just screwed."

"What just happened??" Liam said, walking into the room, with the rest of the boys trailing behind him. 

"I dunno!! I swear I did nothing!!" Niall yelled, trying to hug me again.

I flinched away immediately. Looking at his hurt face, I sighed. "Sorry, I just don't really like to be touched, nothing personal."

Niall sighed. "I don't care about that, I wanna know what I did wrong to make you fucked."

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