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It was two more days before they actually got on the road, this being because of Lov. She had gone to bed that night, and then hadn't woken up.

"She does this a lot." Luna supplied to a shocked Zayn.

"She'll stay up for days writing and smoking, and then just collapse." Kaylee added.

"It's really sad, honestly."

"How?" Zayn asked.

"She sees something that sets her off, and she'll panic. And instead of doing the treatments she was taught, she will storm into the nearest gas station and demand a bunch of cigarettes. Which leaves her broke so she doesn't eat. Pretty soon, she's written two new songs and it's been days since we've seen her. And then she sleeps. And sleeps. Then she's up and moving and pretending like it never happened."

Zayn balked. "So we're not leaving today?!"

"From the looks of it, no. Want to go get drunk?" Kaylee said, nonchalantly, as if her band member and sister's girlfriend wasn't in a coma.

"I don't drink." Zayn replied.




"I don't eat."


"You know I'm dating Hope, right?" Zayn looked at her, seriously.

"You know I'm asexual, right?" Kaylee retorted. "I just like making friends dude."

Zayn sighed. "Right, yeah, sorry. I think I actually will take you up on that drink. But can we not go somewhere public?"

Kaylee smirked, opening a cabinet behind her to reveal at least ten different kinds of drinks. "There's no need to even leave the house."

And that's how the next two days went. Lov slept, Luna was outside, Kylee was tending to Lov, and Zayn and Kaylee were drunk.

When Lov finally woke up, she was ready to go in record time, smiling and throwing cheesy looks in Kylee's direction as she ordered everybody to get ready. As soon as everybody was ready, they hit the road.

Lov was a bad driver. Zayn learned this is the first five minutes as she swerved the car to the beat of the music, and refused to stay in one lane. As soon as the was clear to him, Troy gave him a knowing look and asked if he could drive. Lov said yes as soon as he asked.

Before they could really get on the road, they had to find Cassidy. Which, turns out, wasn't that hard. They just followed her tweets to where she was, somewhere in Montana. Finally, after driving so long and getting farther away from Hope, they were on their way.

The car ride was a lot crazier than Zayn expected.

Troye was in the driver's seat of the car, with Cassidy in shotgun, as they talked about their favourite books at the moment. In the middle was Zayn on the left, and Luna on the right. Luna sat there, staring out the window, talking about something to someone who was invisible to Zayn. In the back was the rest of The Oath in this order: Kaylee, Kylee, and Lov. Kaylee's head was banging back and forth as she listened to music on her headphones, Kylee was reading a book with a stony face, that on further inspection on Zayn's part turned out to be 50 Shades Of Grey (this is a horrible book that promotes abusive relationships and rape pls don't read it also wtf I've read hentai more quality than it) and Lov alternated between listening to music and hugging Kylee, who accepted the hugs.

Zayn leaned back and whispered to Lov. "Who's Luna talking to?" He whispered.

"Oh, Fred? He's her friend."

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