Chapter 9

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It was around ten when I woke up the next time. I didn't wake up the way I wanted to though, because I woke up to Niall jumping on my bed, screaming curse words into my ears.

"Fuck Niall!!" I screamed, hitting him in the stomach. "Why the hell did you do that?!"

Niall smiled at me innocently. "Hope told me to wake you up. Plus, I sorta wanted to see you react."

Hope. Why does that name sound familiar?? Wait. Hope... erella!! Hoperella, the girl I stayed up watching all night. The girl with a beautiful face, and a broken soul. Wait, does this mean that HOPERELLA works for me now??

"Niall, quick. What does Hope look like??" I asked, looking at him.

"Well she's really fit, and she's a good laugh to an-"

"Hair color??"


"Niall. What. Is. Her. Hair. Color?!?"

"Oh well it's this weird sorta silverish blonde hair color, I don't think it's natural but-"

But I was already running downstairs, ignoring the rest of Niall's sentence, before I ran into someone, causing them to spill their tea on me.

"Sorry," I mumbled without looking up.

"It's fine, just fucking fine." A girly beautiful voice said. "I'll just change, yet again."

I looked up slowly, to see Hope's beautiful face staring with intent at her shirt, which had some man on it.

"HI, by the way. I mean, I sorta said hi yesterday, but you look closed out and Louise or whatever was getting on my nerves, so, yeah.." She said, her beautiful voice close to my own face.

"I-I-Closed out??" I stuttered out. Smooth Zayn.

"In a different world. A better world probably." She replied, not noticing my stutters. "Now lets go get breakfast."

"Wha-wha-what about your shirt??" I choked out.

She glanced down at her shirt. "Oh. I guess the Great JT can wait. I'm fucking hungry."

Somehow, those words sounded melodic and sweet coming from her mouth, not just like ugly words. As far as I was convinced, nothing could sound ugly coming from her beautiful mouth. I nodded, shaking myself away from those thoughts, and showed her to the kitchen, where all the other boys where.

"Good morning kind and graceful people!" She said, before flitting to the fridge, and grabbing some eggs.

Someone, probably Louis, cleared their throat, as if silently telling her that there was something she was forgetting. I whipped my head around, trying to tell who did it, before turning back to see Hope holding six eggs.

"Oh." She said. "I had forgotten that you guys suck at cooking. I guess I'll make breakfast this morning." She set the eggs down, and opened a random cupboard, only to have random pots and pans fall out, on her. She cussed, and grabbed a frying pan.

While she was cooking, Louis spoke up. "How did you know that we sucked at cooking??" He questioned.

She replied, not breaking concentration on her project at hand. "Lou used to talk about you guys. It came up once or twice. Or ten times." Niall snorted, making her smile a bit. "But apparently, Harry can make tacos."

Louis snorted. "How would you know that??" He said, putting an arm around the Harry's waist.

Hope shrugged. "Magazines." She replied, as if it was obvious.

Fast forward and we were getting ready to go to the beach, for a fan shoot Hope said. Nothing really happened at breakfast except for the fact that Hope makes delicious omelettes, and that Louis, being the bitch he is, asked her if she was anorexic.

"Why would you think that??" She asked, looking into his eyes.

"You haven't touched your omelette." He said, using his queen voice.

She sighed. "No, I'm not anorexic. I just tend to eat less, because more food than necessary will cause me to feel sick." She then turned to me. "What about you??"

I jerked up from my daydream of my bed, and replied with my reply to everyone who asks that. "I'm not hungry right now, I don't eat breakfast."

Then, something weird happened. I felt, guilty for lying to her about that, like she deserved better than a lie. And she did. I feel like one day, I want to tell her. About how I don't eat because Management told me I wasn't skinny enough, and made me sign that contract, forcing me not to eat.

She rolled her eyes at my shit answer, and went back to picking at her food.

Now I'm here, watching her learn how to do Niall's hair, and I've never felt like this before. Something about her smile, her voice, makes me want to trust her, to tell her all my secrets.

I obviously need to get something checked.

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