Chapter 26

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While Hope was having trouble sleeping, the boys had different troubles. Two problems. And they were both part of the band.

A.K.A, Louis Tomlinson and Harry Tomlin- Styles. Harry Styles.

And these two problems, they tended to get in the way of every 12 am group phone call the band had had so far. It would be a normal conversation, until one of the two would bring up something totally irrelevant and cause the rest of the group to get mildly uncomfortable.

"Why are you calling so early, anyway?"

"Niall. It's 12. When we always call."

"Oh. Sorry mate, the hangover's getting to me."

"By the way, I saw pictures of you drunk last night, Niall. You need to be a lot safer with who you're around when you get drunk."

"It wasn't that bad!"

"I heard you started singing one of Hope's songs and told everyone it was your next single, and to buy it on iTunes."

"Shut the fuck up Louis."

"Yeah Louis." Harry added. "At least he didn't fuck up as badly as you did."

There was an awkward silence, before Liam cleared his throat. "So has anyone heard from Hope yet?"

"She tweeted yesterday."

"And she updated her youtube two days ago."

"She texted me to tell me she had a dream where she went to panda court and I was her lawyer, the first night."

"What about you, Zayn?"

Zayn shook himself out of the memory of Hope laughing, her eyes crinkling, her dimple showing, on replay. "What?"

"Have you heard from Hope?"


"Not even a text message?"

"I'm busy."

"Too busy to text your damn girlfriend?"

"Look, she acted like she was super pumped for this vacation, and how she was going to do a lot of collabs and stuff. So I didn't want to bother her."

"Dude. You called her your soulmate."

"I said she might be my soulmate. Not that she was."



"When was the last time you slept?"

Zayn sighed, and looked at his reflection in his window. His face was skinny, and his eyes had bags. "The night we got back was the last time I slept."

There were gasps on the other end, as Zayn rolled his eyes at how stupid these boys were.

"Mate, you need sleep."

"I'm fine." Zayn gritted his teeth at the lie.

"When was the last time you ate?"

"When was the last time we saw each other?"

More gasps. "Zayn! That was three days ago!"

"Hey! That means only two days until I see Hope! And you guys, of course."




"Oh my god Niall how many times have I told you that's not funny? Like ten times. Shut up."

"I thought it was funny."

"Yeah, well, no one else did."

"Louis. Stop taunting Niall."

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