Chapter 27

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Hope really doesn't like parties. To be honest, she never really had liked the idea of a bunch of sweaty bodies all pressed together, only covered by small dresses and skinny jeans. The music is always stupid and mainstream, beer everywhere does not help her urges, and claustrophobia kicks in the moment she walks in to places like this.

But this was different. Because this party was carefully placed on a field, with lights dangling from the tent top. It was beautiful, and the music was spot on.

Literally spot on.

Spot on to the point where Hope had looked at Niall, who nodded and grinned, answering her unasked question of who's playlist it was.

But it was still a party, there were still girls in tight dresses and spilled whiskey everywhere, and as a faceless drunk man grinded up on her, Hope silently wished she was home, alone, in her pajamas instead of leather skinny jeans, watching the One Direction movie again and silently squealing over Zayn's face. But wishes don't come true, so instead Hope pushed the man off of her, and walked as fast as she could over to where she had spotted a familiar face earlier. He was still there, and smiled hugely, swooping her up in to his arms and snuggling her tight, as her worries melted into his jumbo-sized arms.

"Hope!" Harry yelled into her ear. "I missed you!"

Hope laughed, and wiggled out of his arms, dropping onto the ground. "I missed you too. I never knew you were in a band!"

Harry's face twisted a bit, as he gave her a weird look. "You mean One Direction? The band that led us to meet?"

"No silly! White Eskimo!" She giggled.

Harry cocked his head. "How did you learn that?"

Hope laughed uneasily, taking a swing of the sparkling lemon water she was holding. "I may have been alone and bored and ended up watching a One Direction documentary."

More than once.

Hope laughed again, as Harry's eyebrows furrowed. "Hey look, there's Zayn!" Niall crowed from behind them, causing Hope to lift her head sharply.


"Over there." Niall pointed to Zayn, who was looking amazing in a black suit, conversing with Louis. She felt Harry stiffen behind her.

"Oh my god." Hope looked down at her leather pants and floral printed blouse. "I am so underdressed. I can't do this." She wrapped her arms around Harry again, tucking her head into his chest. "Just leave me to die."

"Seriously? You look great. Wonderful. Stunning. Beautiful. Now go talk to your goddamned boyfriend while I drown my sorrows in this can of wine." Niall slurred, taking another swig.

Hope shook her head. "Nope. Nope. Nope. I'm over here with my floral shirt and leather skinny jeans, and he's achieved fucking model status with that outfit."

And that was when Zayn spotted her. Smiling, he signaled her over.

"I hate my life." She mumbled, stalking over to Zayn, who looked even better up close.

Usually, leather jackets and band t-shirts were more his style, but tonight he was positively glowing in his dressy tuxedo. He must have had it fitted to his person, because unlike every other suit he had worn, this one fitted him superbly. His shoulders where sharp, his legs skinny, and his eyes crinkling as he grabbed Hope into one of the most perfect hugs she had ever received.

And fuck, she may actually love this boy.

Throughout the night, Hope sticks to the boys like crazy, afraid of death if she left their sides. But that was okay because they had missed her company and snarky comments, and Zayn had missed the taste of her mouth and the smell of her perfume.

Until around 2 am in the morning, when Ed Sheeran finally showed up, diverting her while the boys snuck into one of Louis' bathrooms. Not to avoid Hope, of course, but to meet up and discuss the events of the night.

So mainly, Hope.

"Please tell me that someone is taking Hope home tonight." Niall slurred, pint in hand.

Zayn's head jerked up. "What do you mean? Who would take her home?"

Niall snorted. "Anybody. Anybody, really. Just someone take her home. She's so alone." He took another drink.

Someone should really take that drink away from him.

"He's right. I heard her quote our songs at least four times today."

"Five. She said "it's gotta be you, Lou" after I asked who should get the last piece of cake while you were in the loo." A bitter voice rang from the corner of the golden painted bathroom, as Louis glared at Harry.

"That's sad." Liam breathed out.

"So the fact that my girlfriend, who literally lives with the members of One Direction is quoting One Direction's songs automatically makes her lonely? Seriously guys, she's been enjoying the night."

"Has she kissed you yet?" Niall asked.

"No, but that's none of your business."

Niall shook his head. "You're wrong. I've been with her all day, dude. Her self confidence is jacked up right now. She's been alone all weekend."

"That has nothing to do with kissing."

"It has everything to do with it. She doesn't think she deserves you. I mean, she came here in her favourite outfit, pumped that she was going to get to see you, and then here you are, in a fucking suit-"

"I just wanted to impress her!" Zayn cut in.

"Well it was very intimidating, so."

"Well what do you suggest we do then?"

"I told you! Somebody take her home tonight. We can switch tomorrow." Niall suggested.

"Fine. Who gets her tonight? It is Christmas Eve."

"I think I should, since I'm her boyfriend-"

"Who's Muslim and doesn't have Christmas."

"But still-"

"You said you'd probably spend the rest of your life with her. We won't get to."

"You said you'd be with us forever!" 

"And Louis said he was over Harry. We all lie." 

Harry yelped. "Niall! What the hell was that for?" 

Niall shrugged. "It's true." 

Harry sighed. "Look, I understand that she's broken. I am too, so I'll take her for toni-"

"NOBODY CARES THAT YOU'RE BROKEN. HARRY!" Louis screamed from the corner of the bathroom. 

There was a silence, as Louis fell down, crying loudly. Finally, Niall sighed, and left the room.

Hope was laughing with Ed, as he attempted to teach her how to slow dance. 

"Time to go." Niall mumbled, grabbing her wrist. 

"Niall! Von Willebrand's!" Hope yelped, as Niall yanked on her arm. 

"Oh, sorry." He said gruffly, not letting go. "It's time to go." 

"Can't I say goodbye to everybody?" Hope protested, digging her heels into the carpet. 

"No. Not a good time. You'll see them tomorrow." He mumbled. 

"Alright. I'm driving, though!"


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