Chapter 1

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There are many sounds to which the human mind enjoys. For example, the sound of a microwave beeping comforts some. Others enjoy rap music, or sex noises. Not many people relish the sound of world famous boyband member Louis Tomlinson screaming, but that's where our story starts.


"Louis! Stop screaming! I promise I'll visit... Sometimes." Lou said, sadly.

"But Lou, I just don't get it," Liam came forward, protesting. "Why are you leaving??"

She sighed, "I need some time, Luxie barely sees me anymore. I need to be there for her. You guys are my friends but Lux is my baby and my family."

"But I thought we were family!!" Louis yelled.

"Louis, calm down. We are family, but I'm talking about my real family. Real as in biological. I'll miss you guys, but I need to do this."

Louis pouted and muttered under his breath. "You don't need to." An walked away.

Lou sighed, she knew this wouldn't be easy, but they were making this a lot harder.

Niall sniffled. "We'll miss you lots." He said, tears running down his face.

"Awww... Baby Snowflake, This isn't goodbye honey, trust me." She said softly, hugging him.

Next, she tried to hug Zayn, but he pushed her away quickly. Her and Zayn had always had a brother-sister relationship, but not now. Not after this.

"I have one question." Zayn said, his emotions unreadable. "Who is gonna be our new stylist?"

Lou smiled a dry smile. "Oh, I have someone in mind."



Waking up on a Monday is not easy. Especially when you stayed up all last night, making a video about the dangers of living alone and tweeting about your lame, non-existant social life. Which is what I did last night. So I deserve a little slack for yelling at my alarm multiple times before finally dragging myself out of the comfort of my comfortable bed.

I got dressed as quick as possible, making sure to curl my hair slowly.

I grabbed my computer, and sat back down, smiling as I logged into my YouTube channel, scrolling through the millions of comments already there.

I laughed at a few comments, before checking the clock again.

6:58 "Shit!" I yelled, shutting the laptop quickly, jumping off my bed and shoving my laptop quickly into a bag, and grabbed my coffee and ran out the door.

I live in Liverpool, meaning some things are super close to me, and some are not. My job, luckily, was two blocks away from me. Which means I could run there in under 10 minutes, making me not late.

And run I did. As every other day of the week, I ran as fast as I could without tripping or ruining my hair. When I got to the building, I jogged up the stairs, not wanting to be stuck in an elevator. I got to my floor just in time, 7:05. As I ran in, I bumped in to somebody, splashing my coffee all over them.

"Well shit!" I yelled, before looking up to see who I hit. The cold, unforgiving eyes of my boss, Mr. Gerr stared back at me with rage. "Wey hey boss!" I said, cheekily smiling. "How's it going?"

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