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Rey curled under the sheets feeling completely helpless. She wanted nothing more than to get on a ship and return to the resistance. Just the thought of Marius being near Finn, the general, and the others made her stomach turn. She really wanted to run.

But as she inhaled in frustration, Kylo's scent from his pillow and sheets reminded her why she agreed to stay. She breathed in again, a sense of calm blanketing her.

Patchouli. A small smile found her lips. She had first obtained the plant back on Jakku when she found a few good parts and sold them. She had some left over portions from her last scavenger hunt and decided on purchasing the plant to spice up her meals. She had spent the whole day smelling it and admiring its bright green color.

She had finally figured it out, he smells of patchouli. She pulled the pillow closer to her.

His voice quickly rang in her head moments after, breaking her from her thoughts.


"Yes?" Rey shifted her head, the pillow still pressed against her.

"Are you feeling better?"

"Yes, I was able to fall asleep."

"I see. Are you still in my quarters?"

"I haven't left yet."

"The meeting took than I anticipated. I wanted to be back before you woke up." Was he coming now? Rey lifted her head to see around the dim room.

"It's alright, I can manage on my own." Rey snuggled her head into the pillow again, a smile tugging at her lips.

After a moment of silence, she heard his voice again.

"I'm pleased your happy."

"What?" Her eyebrows scrunched together in confusion.

"I can feel your happiness through the force."

Rey stopped for a moment before replying. Should she tell him the truth?

"I suppose I am."

"I will come to visit you when I am free." She could feel a sliver of warmth come through, as if he was suppressing his own happiness so she wouldn't feel it.

Realizing that if she stayed longer in bed she would never leave, Rey sat up and stretched. She was tempted to lay back down again but instead forced herself to walk to the washroom. Minimalistic didn't even begin to cover Kylo's bathroom. Unlike his bedroom which had a few personal touches, the washroom was very clean and meticulously kept. Turning the faucet on to rinse her face she looked into the mirror as water dripped from her face. The only flaw, if she could call it that, was the black bucket that was in the shower. Except in that moment she didn't see Kylo's washroom anymore. She could see the painfully white walls surrounding her and the bucket that Marius had thrown at her feet. His wicked grin splitting his face. Rey gasped in horror as she remembered his words to her, the way he would hurt her. With a shaking hand Rey forced herself to turn off the faucet, separating herself from her nightmares. She quickly left the washroom and grabbed her shoes from the foot of the bed, shoving her feet into them before heading for the door.

Unbounded : A Reylo StoryDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora