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The call of his name startled him from his sleep.


Kylo shot up in his bed, his sheets crumpling at his waist. Sweat rolled down his bare chest as he called back out into the force over and over. Only silence greeting him back. Again. He slumped back into his bed. Maybe he was just dreaming. He chuckled. He wasn't surprised. He had begun hearing her voice frequently within the last few days, especially at night when he tried to sleep. In those very few hours that he did sleep, his dreams were of Rey. Each dream started off well enough, but by the end it had turned into a horrible nightmare with her being taken from him, or worse, tortured.

It had been three days since she disappeared, and Kylo felt himself losing control. Taking a deep breath, he released it slowly. He rubbed his eyes, knowing that sleep would not come back anytime soon. He stared at his hands for a long while after that. Vividly remembering how her hand felt on his, how her skin felt under his lips when he kissed her palm. It was times like this, when he was alone in his quarters or study, that her image danced before him. He could see her in her white dress, her brown eyes staring back at him. He wanted to protect those eyes at all cost. He blew out a rush of air in frustration. Looking over at his clock, he was sure that most of the ship crew and troops were still in the middle of the sleeping cycle, but he couldn't help reaching over and grabbing his commlink from the nightstand. Senna had become used to the frequent calls. She was the only knight he could solely trust on this matter.

"Senna." He called into the mic.

"Supreme Leader." she replied.

"Any new leads on her whereabouts?"

"No, Sir. No one has seen the empress here on Naboo. We have been checking the Villa in case she returns."

"Keep looking. Bring her back to me." Kylo said, his voice breaking as his grip tightened on the device. If Senna had heard his despair, she didn't comment on it.

"I will. Sir."

Kylo let his arm drop, the commlink still in a death grip. In his moment of anger, he threw it across the room and watched as it shattered against the wall. Ripping the covers off of him Kylo howled as he stormed around his room throwing everything and anything, he could get his hands on. When he finally gained some semblance of calm, Kylo looked around. It was worse off than when he destroyed his study. Annoyed at his outburst, He quickly dressed himself and left the room. Since sleep was no longer an option, he decided to go to his study and devise a way to find her. He spent hours poring over all the reports Senna had given him, including the other reports from his men, trying to map out possible locations she may have gone to.

Senna had made sure that the reports had been updated every hour, on the hour, and that gave him some relief that she was trying hard to find her. The only downside was that her reports came back all the same. They could not find her. He was exhausting all possible locations and resources that he had pulled aside for the search. If it continued like this, Hux and the rest of the Order would for sure catch wind of the situation.

Slamming his fists against his desk Kylo dropped into his chair and leaned back, staring up at the ceiling.

Rubbing his temples, he thought back.

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