Chapter Thirty Seven

Start from the beginning

She removed her hands and looked at me like I had grown two heads.

"You're fine? You say you're fine? You were unconscious for twelve hours, Eun Hee. Twelve fucking hours. Do you have any idea how fucking worried I was?"

"Sana..." I started.

But she continued without listening to me, pacing around the room. "How would you feel if you were in the middle of a movie night with your friend and someone calls you telling your best friend has fainted? I was fucking terrified." She covered her face with her hands as her body trembled with sobs.

I walked towards her and wrapped my arms around her, squeezing tightly. "I'm so sorry, Sana. I'm sorry for making you worried."

She wrapped her arms tightly around me. "Don't be sorry. It wasn't your fault. But. . .but don't do that again. Okay?" She said, her tears wetting my hospital gown.


We were quiet for some time, relishing in the embrace. Her presence had such a calming effect on my heart. I felt tension leave my body slowly.

"I need to see Jimin," I said, when Sana had finally stopped crying. And then, added, "Where's he?"

Sana looked torn, like she couldn't decide if she wanted to answer my question or not. She was in deep thought and avoiding my eyes. I instantly knew something was wrong.

"Where is Jimin?" I asked, my voice more firm than before.

She looked up, biting her lower lip; a habit when she was nervous. "He isn't here."

My brows creased. "What? Where's he then?"

She shook her head. "I don't know. When I came here last night. He wasn't anywhere to be seen, and when I asked the nurse who left you here, she said some guy with blond hair left me here."

Blond hair?

"But the only person with blond hair is...." Sana started, her eyes widening.

"Taehyung." I finished her sentence.

Taehyung had recently coloured his hair.

But how could it be? I remembered fainting in Jimin's arms.

"Eun Hee." Sana's voice snapped me out of my reverie. "What happened last night? Why are your wrists bruised?"

I looked down at my wrists. There were, indeed, purple-blue bruises. I could still feel Jimin's iron grip on my wrists and his eyes burning with rage.

"I'll tell you about it at home. Right now, I need to see Jimin."

I turned to walk towards the door, but Sana grabbed my arm.

"No. You can't go. Doctor has advised you rest."

I shook my head. "No, Sana. You don't understand. I need to see him right now."


Before she could say what she wanted to say, the door opened and in came a middle aged man wearing a white coat. He was looking at some files and when he looked up, a smile appeared on his face.

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