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"Woah," the man in the black cloak steps closer, leather shoes polished to perfection, "put the rock down, Lupin."

I stared at him, knowing the only reason he would want me to put the rock down is so that they could break me.

What they didn't know was that I already was.

It wouldn't be long before my mental walls fell, and I'd be completely vulnerable to legilimency. I couldn't let that happen.

"No," I croaked out, pushing down against scarred skin, "I won't let you bring him back."

"No no no," he held his hands up, attempting to show that he meant no harm. His voice was slightly familiar but I wouldn't put it past him to be someone I went to school with in the past wanting a chance to be the one who found out my secret.

But I knew better.

"Do you remember me?" He questioned, taking another cautious step forward, sending a disgusted look around the cave I had been held in against my will. "My name's Adrian Pucey," he continued at my blank look, "Regulus was one of my best friend's."

"I remember," I gritted out, momentarily relinquishing the pressure off the rock, watching the red substance trail down my wrist, unable to comprehend how there was any left, to begin with. "What do you want? Want to leave your mark on the dirty half breed too?" I spat, just wanting to die in peace. I didn't need him trying to take away the only choice I had left.

"No," he crouched down next to me, wincing at my appearance and stench no doubt. "I made a blood oath with Regulus that if I saw you again and you needed help and he wasn't there, then I would. Didn't know the bastard would defect and kill himself the next day but an oath is an oath and I don't want to die," he rolled his eyes, pulling out his wand before mumbling a few spells. "Fucking twat, screwing me over when he's already long in the grave."

I stared up at him in shock, too scared to ask why he'd even make such an oath in the first place but couldn't help but feel suspicious. Why would he wait so long? Why now? Why not days ago?

"I couldn't get in any earlier," he replied to my unvoiced question, having seen the hesitance painted on my face. "I'm sorry," he mumbled, guilt flickering over his features for a brief moment before they returned to their usual calm demeanour. "We've got to go. Do you think you can walk?"

It was moments later that I felt some energy returning to my body, the worst of the pain faded. He was mumbling healing and blood replenishing spells. Maybe it wasn't a trick after all. Or maybe it was all an elaborate plan for me to let my guard down. To hit me when I was weak. "Maybe," I whispered, my throat raw from all the screaming over the past few days.

I moved to stand, hands placed carefully behind me, almost stumbling back to the ground from the shift of weight.

"I got you," Adrian murmured, wrapping an arm around my waist to keep me from falling. A tear escaped, leaving a clean trail down my cheek as I rested my weight on my former peer, finally accepting that maybe, just maybe I was getting out of here. "I got you," he repeated, smiling down at me sadly, carefully helping me walk out the door. "It's going to be okay, I've got you."

He left me at the front door of the Potter Mansion, apparating back to where they held me to avoid suspicion. I stared at the dark wood door, taking a deep breath before twisting open the handle and stepping into the foyer.

We really should start locking the door.

The door closed with a soft click, disguised by the sound of arguing voices. I sighed, leaning my weight against the wood before flicking on the lock, deciding it was better safe than sorry. We should also put up a few wards, just to be sure that no one could enter because really, a locked door wouldn't hinder many Muggles, let alone Death Eaters.

"I don't know what you want me to do, Hermione!" James shouted, the piercing sound carrying to the foyer, full of pain and desperation. "I don't know what you want me to do," he repeated in a quieter, somber tone. He didn't know what to do. He didn't know how to help.

He was useless.

"Anything!" She shouted back at him, on the brink of tears herself.

She too, for what felt like the nth time, was useless. She didn't know what to do.

The echoing sound caused a sharp pain to spike through my head, a shaking hand reaching up to grab onto it as she groaned, dropping to the floor in exhaustion. She couldn't hold herself up anymore. She didn't know if she wanted to.

"Did you hear that?" Harry's voice was much softer, footsteps rushing towards to front of the house.

I rested my head on the cool wooden floor, finding solace in the cold temperature. My body continued to shake, the remaining adrenaline fading, the few healing and blood replenishing spells were no longer enough to keep me going.

"Lilah?" Harry whispered, staring down at my bloodied and bruised body in shock before racing forward, yelling for help. "Hey hey hey," he murmured, running a hand through my hair, "it's going to be okay," he cried, smiling down at me through his tears, "it's going to be okay, now, okay? I got you, mum, I got you."

I relished in the feeling of his hand in my hair, not finding it within me to care about how gross it must be. I was finally safe.

I was home.

"I've got you."


I know it's a little shorter than usual but hopefully y'all still enjoy it just the same.

As per usual, leave your thoughts done below and please vote if you liked the chapter!

Question: do you guys want to see more of Adrian? Contemplating whether or not he should become a regular😜

Hope you're having a good day/night x

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