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It was no surprise that I ended up here.

Brushing past the weathered tombstones, my eyes scanned for one in particular. Despite the rays of the sun, there was a chill in the air – grateful now more than ever that I had thought to grab my black coat off the rack before my hasty exit from the Potter Manor.

From James.

It was time to stop running away. I could no longer act like a child, running from any inconvenience and hint of emotion. Regulus was dead, he had been dead for over a decade.

He wasn't coming back.

He wasn't coming back – I had to accept that, and I had to move on. Mourn but never forget.

But then again, I don't think one could so easily forget Regulus. Even if they wanted to.

My black boots came to a halt on the dull green grass as I stood in front of the cracked grave, fingers softly caressing the engraved words.

Regulus Arcturus Black.


A young man who gave his life to protect those who could not protect themselves.

Falling gently onto my knees, I ignored the cool wet ground that seeped through the material of my light blue jeans. He was right here. He may not be coming back but he would always be right here if I needed him. Like he always was.

"Hey, Sunshine," I chuckled, falling back onto my ankles, "it's been a while, huh? Almost feels like a couple of decades." I paused once more, taking a deep breath before continuing – knowing that if I ever wanted to move on and be happy with James, I needed to take this first step. "I loved you. I loved you so much. I've never felt that kind of love before and I don't-I don't think I ever will again. It wasn't innocent, it wasn't all consuming but it was like coming home. It was warm and happy, despite your icy front that wasn't really a front but was really just honesty. You made me the happiest I've ever been in my life – you helped me get back on my feet and somehow during that, I fell completely in love with my best friend's brother.

You were always my voice of reason and I guess I could've used some of that in the past few weeks. You know how impulsive I can be. Anyway, I was never something to be fixed because you can't just fix someone with a few nice words and a hug and you knew that. You did help me smile again though, you taught me how to love again and how to forgive. But I can't forgive you for not telling me what you had planned. I can't forgive you for kissing me, for making me fall in love with you. But most of all, I can't forgive myself for not remembering. One little detail." The sun had long since disappeared, tiny drops of rain escaping from the dark grey clouds above.

"It was one little detail, but it turned out to be one of the most vital and most important detail of all – the story of Sirius' little brother and how he destroyed the first Horcrux. How he sacrificed himself. It wasn't in vain, Sunshine, that I can promise you."

"How pathetic," a voice cackled from the darkness, shadows encompassing their every move toward the young girl crouched over the tombstone of her lover, "crying over traitorous scum!" They hissed, finally emerging from the shadows.

They hid behind their black cloak and mask but I would know that voice from anywhere. They were amongst the many horrors I was forced to relive every night.

"I would say that it's lovely to see you again, Alecto, but I think we both know that would be a lie," I laughed, desperately trying to mask the terror I was feeling as I reached for the wand on the inside of my coat pocket. "What happened to that delightful prison cell of yours?"

Another body emerged from the night for one never strayed too far from the other.

"You would do well to hold your tongue, girl," Amycus Carrow spat, shoulders squared and wand at the ready. "I'm going to enjoy this."

"Ah, Amycus!" I grinned, subtly removing the wand from the pocket and leaving it to be clenched tightly by my waist, "how I have missed you!"

"What can we say," Alecto crooned, her movements towards my crouched figure failing to halt, "Azkaban is not as fortified as its reputation."

It was at that moment that I knew that I didn't stand a chance – not against both of them. I would die in this duel and if the odds were in my favour, I may be lucky enough to either kill or seriously injure one of them. But they would not be forgiving. If I was going to make my move, I had to be sure that it would not be in vain, that it would injure them both severely enough that I could buy myself sufficient time to escape.

That instance, however, would be very unlikely and I would more than likely die trying. Or worse, I would anger them.

My eyes moved furiously around the graveyard, desperately trying to form a plan in the few moments I had left before they attacked. I had to do something, but what?

My eyes flitted back to the tombstone, narrowing in on the crack.

Maybe – just maybe it was sharp enough. It wouldn't save me now but it would eventually – a decision that could affect whether or not I survived whatever they had in store for me.

With my wand raised, I leant my hand back against the crack, the decision having been made. "So, do you come here often?"

With the loud crack of a curse being fired at me, I cast a blocking spell. Knowing that I had to do it now or it would be too late, I forced my hand harder against the serrated edges before flinging my hand down the jagged stone, withholding the wince as it tore into the sensitive skin. Blood smeared against the tomb and dripped down tanned skin onto the grass, staining it a scarlet red. With any luck, Hermione could use the blood to strengthen a tracking spell and find her – hopefully alive.

It was in the one moment of distraction that a second curse was fired, however, there was no counterspell for protection. I was sent flying to the grass a few steps away, landing with a harsh thud, pain erupting through every part of my body. It was excruciating.

I thrashed on the wet surface, wand long forgotten and I clawed at my chest, frantically tearing at the skin – wanting, no, needing for it to stop. Needing air between the screams that tore from my lips.

"We'll see you soon, dirty half breed."


Well, long time no see! How've you all been?

Yes, I finally updated! It's rough and unedited as always but hopefully y'all enjoyed it.

Please don't forget to vote if you liked the chapter and leave your thoughts below! I love reading your comments and they're the reason why I found the motivation to finally write this chapter.

Love you all xx

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