25. Happy Ending 💏

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I woke up and was met with incredibly white walls. My mouth felt like sand paper and I could barely move. The hospital door was pushed open and a tired looking Luke came in with get well balloons. When he saw that I was awake, he grinned brightly.

"How are you feeling?" he asked.

"Okay." I managed to croak out.

"Water?" He offered. I nodded, he helped me by holding the glass and raising me up slightly so I could drink it. 

"How's Ian?"

"Fine, he's been in a snappy mood ever since he found out what you did. His exact words were, ' that little idiot'. He's not the best of company right now." I laughed a little, that sounds like Ian alright.

"What about me?"

"When you first came in, the doctors couldn't do anything. They said that your insides were too damaged. They gave up on you and said you wouldn't make it past an hour.  but Ian said that when the magic left your body, it healed it, slowly of course, but you were doing way better than you were two days ago." He explained. I've been unconscious for two days? I noticed that sunlight was streaming through the curtains.

"Sun's back out." I said and smiled. I've missed it so much.

"Yeah, when we brought you to the hospital, a couple hours later, the sun rose. It was a relief because I'm a morning person, can't say the same for Ian though. I should probably leave and let you get some rest." He kissed my cheek and left.

I closed my eyes and attempted to get some sleep, just when I was about to fall asleep, the door flew open and banged on the wall. I jumped and gave a little squeak of fright.

Ian walked in with a tray that had a bowl of soup on it. Ian was sporting his infamous scowl, because he wouldn't be Ian if he didn't scowl at least three times a day. 

He gently put the tray down on the foot side of the bed and then looked at me, more like glared at me. Angry, angry, angry glare.

"What were you thinking! Sacrificing your magic? Some witches go insane after losing their magic, Isabel, you know this! 

My eyes welled with tears. I know what happens because I feel it. An emptiness, an ache in my chest that won't ever go away. I didn't need him to remind me. His eyes softened when they landed on my teary ones. He sat down next to me and wiped my tears.

"What you did was really stupid, Isabel" he said softly.

"I know," I sniffled. "But I can't live without you."

"You should eat before it gets cold." He said.

I looked at him in disbelief. " I just told you I can't live without you and that's what you're going to say?"

"What do you want me to say? I can't live without you either. I love you more than life itself. You know all this, I already told you, why must I repeat?"

"Because it's romantic!" I scolded.

"I think bringing food to you and telling you to eat it before it gets cold is romantic enough. How many girls get served in bed?"

"That's only because I'm in the hospital, You always leave me to fend for myself! "

He rolled his eyes. "Just eat."

"I don't have enough energy to move. Feed me please!"

 Asking him to feed me was a huge mistake because he ended up shoving the spoon harshly into my mouth, causing me to wheeze and cough.  "Ian!" 

"What? It was an accident."

"It wasn't! You did that on purpose!"

"It wasn't! You did that on purpose!" Ian mimicked me in a high pitched girly voice which I did not appreciate. And so our bickering began.

This was the end of a horrific chapter in our lives . I couldn't have asked for a happier ending .

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