10. Jerome 🙋

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I found myself sitting on the porch in front of my old house.
I sat there, enjoying the cool afternoon air. A smile made its way on my face as memories of childhood played back in my head. Memories of my parents, of my brother. The life that I lived as Isabel was indeed a joyful one.

"You are smiling like an idiot all by yourself. It is extremely creepy." A voice next to me said. I looked to my right, only to see a pair of brown eyes, identical to my own, staring back at me.

"Jerome?" I launched myself at him. He barely caught me in time.

"I see your as agile as ever, Isabel. " He laughed. I pushed myself off of him. I soothingly ran my hand through his black hair and pulled hard.

"You idiot! " I screeched, as I pulled his hair, making his head jerk from left to right. "How dare you use your powers on me! How dare you sacrifice your life for me! How dare you leave me!" I yelled, as I continued to pull his hair.

"Isa-Isabel, would you stop, surprisingly that hurts."

"Good." I gripped his hair harder.

"What do you expect me to s-say? I'm sorry that I died? Stop pulling my hair so I can talk properly." He gripped my wrists before I could pull all of his hair off. " I'm sorry for dying. " He said softly. "I'm sorry for leaving you. " He held my hands in his. Tears brimmed my eyes as I wrapped my arms around his neck and rested my head on his shoulder.

The comfortable position we were in didn't last long. He pulled away from me too soon.

"I do not have much time." He said, urgently. "I know that you don't have all of your memories yet and you have a lot of questions. I will try to answer as many as I can. "

"My powers, how do I control them?"

"As I said before, concentration and practice."

"You were that voice in my head." I realized. When I was at the shop to rescue Luke and the others, his voice helped me use my powers.

"Yes. Sometimes I am strong enough to communicate with you, at other times I am a mere shadow."

"When the time comes will I be able to do the spell successfully? "
I am dragging Luke into this, who is married, who has two children, who is risking his life because he believes I can do this, but I'm not sure I can.

Jerome cupped my cheeks and made me look at him. "You are stronger than you think, Isabel. I believe in you." I couldn't help but smile. "Is there anything else you want to ask me?"

"Ian." I didn't know what to say. I was still confused about Ian. My feelings are still there but the way that he's changed, I just don't know how to feel.

"Ian has changed for the worst." Jerome said solemnly.

"Why? What made him like this."

"Is it not obvious, sister? Your death. I have spent centuries in the land of the spirits, silently observing. In spite of what you may think that brought about this change in Ian, he loved you dearly. So dearly that your death sabotaged him.
"I know that I was against your relationship in the past, but I see things through a different perspective now. Ian was a good man, and can be again with your help.
"I need you to be brave. Isabel. I need you to complete this mission, not just for humanity, but for me also. I need to find peace and the only way I can do that is to know that you have fulfilled your destiny. "

"I won't let you down. I promise."

"I know you won't." He said softly, as he pressed his lips to my forehead.

The world around me started to blur out. Everything around me was slowly consumed by darkness.

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