24. Sacrifice 🙏

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I watched as his mouth parted in shock.

I watched as the last light left his eyes.

I watched as his body hit the ground in front of me.

I stopped chanting, I stopped breathing. I just felt numb, staring at his body.

Luke was quick to stake the Vampire that killed Ian. He grabbed me by my shoulders and shook me, he was speaking frantically, but I couldn't understand him. I felt as if everything was happening in slow motion.

"....Ara, snap out of it!" he yelled over the noise. I looked to where he was pointing at and saw that the Purebloods were starting to regain body movements. I looked to Ian, and then to the Purebloods and then to Ian again. I cleared my throat and began chanting again. my voice came out cracked and half way through  I started to sob, my eyes  stayed glued to Ian.

The three pure bloods stood still. When the spell was over, they suddenly burst into flames. Fire licked every part of their body, they couldn't scream though, they had to keep everything on the inside, and soon they were nothing but ashes.

The fighting stopped, there was no point for Nathaniel's army to fight anymore, their leaders were dead, so they fled. The only people that were still here were us and Vernon. A lot of the  wolves survived and so did Luke, which was a relief.

My body was damaged inside out. The spell drained me of everything I had. Every breath I took sent a wave of pain through my body, but I didn't care about me.

I dragged my dead weight body to Ian's and pulled his head into my lap. I touched his pale cheek, tears fell from my face and landed on his. This can't happen. This wasn't supposed to happen. I buried my head in his chest and cried. I didn't care that everyone's eyes were on me. It felt like I was crying for hours before Xavier called my name.

" You need help, we need to get you to a hospital." He said gently.

"Jerome!" I raised my head and I called for my brother.

"I'm sorry but you need..."

"Don't be sorry, I can get him back. I just need Jerome.  Jerome!" I looked around frantically.    No one came. I kept begging. "Jerome please." I whispered.

I felt a feather like touch on my shoulder. Jerome stood there, pale and almost transparent. He smiled gently and held out his hand for me to take. I held his hand and let my other hand rest lightly on Ian's chest. 

I noticed Jerome's other hand was held my my late grandmother, and her hand was held by my late aunt, and so on it went. The graveyard was filled with my late relatives. The only people I didn't see were my parents. They all started chanting together, soft voices mixed together. Xavier and the others stepped back and were watching wide eyed, as the scene unfold.

My body felt tingly, the hand that was on Ian's chest was glowing a soft yellow.  The spell they were chanting, was a spell of sacrifice.  Sacrifice of a witch's magic. Giving up magic is like giving up piece of your soul, you feel empty without it, but Ian is my world, I would sacrifice anything for him .

I could feel my magic draining from my body and entering into his. I was light headed, it won't be long before I faint. The chanting stopped and everyone disappeared.  I didn't get to see if the spell worked because everything suddenly went black.

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