Chapter Three

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Sports - Beach Bunny

The concert came and went. I wasn't really paying attention. The Ninja did their things and I did mine without bothering them. I just wasn't in the mood to really talk with anyone, especially my parents. As much as I love them, I know they'll force me to tell them what's wrong because they're worried. I'm glad that they do worry, because the worst thing that would happen is if they didn't try. I'm so happy I have them in my life, but right now I didn't want to see anyone. 

Everyone would try and comfort me. I didn't need that. 

I love all the people who want to make me feel better but sometimes when people try to make me feel better, it just doesn't work. My parents were still sitting outside in the audience. I had just finished my performance and was putting my things away when I felt someone's eyes on me. 

I turned to see Cole. He was leaning against a wall, his arms crossed and his eyes dark as coals. I tilted my head to the side. "Don't tell me you watched my performance." I sighed, setting my guitar down to put my hands on my hips. 

"I watched your performance," he said, a flicker of a grin pulling at his lips. 

I groaned, rolling my eyes to put my things away. He can stand there all he wants but he's not worth my time, so I won't waste it on him. 

"Listen," he started.

"I don't want to listen." I responded, not bothering to turn around. 

"Well you're going to. I'm sorry for the way I treated you back there."

I whipped my head around, anger flashing like sirens in my eyes. "You don't have to be sorry for me. Be sorry for yourself. You're the one who is missing out on wonderful girls. Even if you don't care enough to remember all of their names, they all care to know yours. So before you go and embarrass another fan at another one of these stupid meet and greets, just think of how you'd feel if you were in their shoes."

Cole scoffed, pacing over to me. "Fans can get arrogant, too." 

"Most of the time it's just to impress someone like you. We paid to see you. We paid to get a minute with our idol who we can only hope remembers the color of our hair." 

"That's whats important to you? That I remember the color of your hair?" 

"No. But to some people they're just that desperate. I regret spending money on something worthless."

"Are you calling me worthless?" 

"You treat my time like it is, so why should I care about your time? You're wasting it on me right now. Don't you have better things to do?" 


"What? You have more fans to bully? More fans to tease and disappoint?" 

Cole sighed, his cheeks flushed red. "I...I'm sorry." 

"Sorry doesn't bring back lost time. Sorry doesn't bring back all of those girls you pushed away. Sorry doesn't-"

"Can I make it up to you?" 


"I know I make a ton of girls feel like shit, but at least you have the confidence to speak your mind. So can I at least sign something for you?" 

I wanted to nod my head yes, but after all I said I felt guilty for making him feel guilty. I'd totally say yes, but I didn't want him to think that I was just pretending to be different than all the other girls just to get his attention, so I shook my head. "No. I'm fine, thank you." 

"Are you sure?" 

"Yes, I am. It's fine. I'm sorry for snapping. I just...I was really excited, you know? I mean, I can't see why you wouldn't enjoy being swarmed by the girls everyone wants to get with all the time." 

"It's a tiring job. I don't want to date every single girl on the planet." 

"I know that. But don't you have fun sometimes?" 

"Well, I do. But I don't want to be the kind of guy who only has fun with girls. They're not something to be played with. They're people too. Men aren't superior to women. Most of us are just taller. I find sometimes the other team members get a little too drunk and get carried away." 



At least he knows that women should be treated as equals. That's a really good trait of his, I guess. 

I think part of the reason I was so disappointed was because I made such a hero of him and he turned out to be this. Now it feels like I have to start recounting all the good things he's done. Treating women like equals is the first thing, I guess. 

"So can I make it up to you?" 

"I don't know. It's fine." 

"I know this is cheesy, but I actually feel a little bad." 

"Just a little, eh?" 

Cole sighed, looking down at his feet and stuffing his hands into his pockets. "Do you like aquariums?" 

"Yeah, why?" 

"Let's go to one." 

"What? No! Are you asking me out on a date-?"

"Fuck no. I wouldn't date you. I just said I feel bad." 

"Gee, thanks." 


I sighed through my nose, looking around. The rest of the concert would take about an hour to finish. 

"Have us back here in an hour otherwise my mom will slaughter me, alright?" 

Cole nodded. "Cool." 


A/n: Hello kids. I haven't updated this in a pretty long time but I have a better quality computer so there will be less mistakes, and updates will come much faster. I know I could type on my phone but that takes much longer and I'm more prone to making typos because auto-correct is a bitch and the keyboard seems to shrink every time I use it. Thank you for staying with me and waiting patiently for this chapter to come out! I love you so much <33

Stay beautiful, 


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